Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

If you think it is that simple then you are missing a whole lot of points. I won't reiterate them again but you can scroll back. Plenty of debate and wrongs on both sides but this war could easily have been prevented though dialogue and could also have been shut down early through same.

People very brave with their keep fighting from behind your keyboard in Cork. If it was you loved ones being sent to the Russian meat grinded while you had the words of an American senator ringing in your ears - Russians are dying, best money we ever spent, would you maybe thing we are being used as pawns here. Would we even be in this war if not for US meddling.

Do you have any idea how many Ukrainians lives it would take to dislodge the Russians form the captured territory. What number would you say it worth it? Remember these are not just numbers, they are people.

Ukraine has some leverage now with the US war chest, time to talk. This war is on Russia's border. There will be no dislodging them.
Oh, I see now...the US are responsible for Russia invading Ukraine. Got it!
If it was you loved ones being sent to the Russian meat grinded while you had the words of an American senator ringing in your ears - Russians are dying, best money we ever spent, would you maybe thing we are being used as pawns here. Would we even be in this war if not for US meddling.
Look what the U.S. has made Russia do....................................and the stupid corrupt Russians will just never even learn.

Who has Russia invaded in the last 20 years?

Russian Federation
  • First Chechen War, 1994–1997.
  • Second Chechen War, 1999–2000.
  • Russo-Georgian War, 2008.
  • Russo-Ukrainian War, 2014–present.
  • Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2022–present.
If you think it is that simple then you are missing a whole lot of points. I won't reiterate them again but you can scroll back. Plenty of debate and wrongs on both sides but this war could easily have been prevented though dialogue and could also have been shut down early through same.

People very brave with their keep fighting from behind your keyboard in Cork. If it was you loved ones being sent to the Russian meat grinded while you had the words of an American senator ringing in your ears - Russians are dying, best money we ever spent, would you maybe thing we are being used as pawns here. Would we even be in this war if not for US meddling.

Do you have any idea how many Ukrainians lives it would take to dislodge the Russians form the captured territory. What number would you say it worth it? Remember these are not just numbers, they are people.

Ukraine has some leverage now with the US war chest, time to talk. This war is on Russia's border. There will be no dislodging them.
Still pushing today’s Russian propaganda. Sad.

Putin wants Ukraine to disarm, to control Ukraine’s foreign policy, and to set up the government of his choice. Just a few months ago he said that whatever else happens, these are non-negotiable demands. He also wants to take a bunch of Ukrainian land. (Just for now. Later, of course, with Ukraine disarmed, he will come for the rest).

So there’s nothing to negotiate. Russia has no right at all to even be there in the first place. Ukraine does not have a Nazi government. Ukraine has never been a military threat to Russia. And as for Putin’s fantasy about some sort of Greater Russian spiritual union, that’s nonsense too.

So he can fuck off. And so can you with your “keyboard warrior” shit. Ukraine is fighting for its life. Period. They didn’t bend over like the Czechs did for Hitler. Like you think they should do now.
Look what the U.S. has made Russia do....................................and the stupid corrupt Russians will just never even learn.

Who has Russia invaded in the last 20 years?

Russian Federation
  • First Chechen War, 1994–1997.
  • Second Chechen War, 1999–2000.
  • Russo-Georgian War, 2008.
  • Russo-Ukrainian War, 2014–present.
  • Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2022–present.

How did Russia come to have troops stationed in Transnistra?
How did Russia come to have troops stationed in Transnistra?
Trying to control some proxy as per usual?

An unlikely 2nd front with Ukraine?

Moldova is pivoting to the E.U. and Putin uses the usual "Russophobia" excuse to stir the pot.

Putin cannot be having a independent successful Moldova as a former Soviet state while Russia is corrupt and backward now can he?
Just to argue the devil's advocate here.
The US armed the jihadists in Afghanistan to fight the Russians.
From that Al-Qaeda and the Taliban were born.
How has that worked out?
You're on the wrong thread mate. This is about Russias (a dictatorship) illegal invasion of Ukraine (a democracy).
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