Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

the US are responsible for Russia invading Ukraine. Got it!

You're getting there, let's go back a bit in time when Newspapers actually did a bit of non-biased reporting.

Oh dear, Yanukovich went from being pro EU to Pro Russia, send in the heavies...

Cookie Monster.jpeg

When that didn't work out too well, let's discuss a little coup over the phone...

Just to make sure, let's arrange a little event called the Maidan...

You're getting there, let's go back a bit in time when Newspapers actually did a bit of non-biased reporting.

Oh dear, Yanukovich went from being pro EU to Pro Russia, send in the heavies...

View attachment 32025

When that didn't work out too well, let's discuss a little coup over the phone...

Just to make sure, let's arrange a little event called the Maidan...

Ah. Look at you. Buying into Putin’s “sphere of influence” bullshit. Sorry, but that nonsense went away at the turn of the last century. Putin has no rights regarding Ukraines internal politics. None at all.
Look what the U.S. has made Russia do....................................and the stupid corrupt Russians will just never even learn.

Who has Russia invaded in the last 20 years?

Russian Federation
  • First Chechen War, 1994–1997.
  • Second Chechen War, 1999–2000.
  • Russo-Georgian War, 2008.
  • Russo-Ukrainian War, 2014–present.
  • Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2022–present.

That's 30 years ago Stacky.

you've misplaced a decade buddy :D
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