Rory Gallagher Gaa coach

vetting and safeguarding are so important in any club. You are entrusting the safety and wellbeing of members into the hands of people who will be total strangers to many within the club. A parent gets involved in training to help out usually because their own son or daughter plays.
Garda vetting is clear but safeguarding policy can be a difficult area as clubs need to act immediately but with fairness in mind too .say a malicious rumour starts about someone without basis ,it's still the duty of the club to deal with it straight away and that usually means telling that person to step aside. Even if totally innocent of any wrong doing its difficult for the person involved to resume their former role .
Burns as president is charged with upholding the rules of the association and should ensure they are done without fear or favour. You cannot be selective ,ie apply the rules in one instance and not apply them in others .
that for me is where I think he has perhaps not been balanced in his approach. Very visible and clear direction to Naas club but what was done when gallagher was coaching corduff ? . Consistency is key and I don't see the same standards being applied across the board in gaa circles.
It's implemented in my own club anyway. Everyone must be vetted no matter what level you are involved with or how long you've been involved with the club over the years. I'd be really surprised if clubs in Cork are ignoring it, could potentially cause major headaches
All Adult clubs are not looking for all coaches, mentors, s&c, Physio, gear men, logistics, all the other adult players and anyone else possibly in contact with the u18 in GAA grounds to be Garda vetted. Are you saying every adult player in your club is Garda vetted? No chance.
It's implemented in my own club anyway. Everyone must be vetted no matter what level you are involved with or how long you've been involved with the club over the years. I'd be really surprised if clubs in Cork are ignoring it, could potentially cause major headaches
Yip one of my kids club Garda vet their adult teams coaching groups. Just a precaution in case a youngfella steps up and it really isn’t a big deal to do.
All Adult clubs are not looking for all coaches, mentors, s&c, Physio, gear men, logistics, all the other adult players and anyone else possibly in contact with the u18 in GAA grounds to be Garda vetted. Are you saying every adult player in your club is Garda vetted? No chance.
No I'm not talking about adult players. Every other person involved in any capacity with the team.
No I'm not talking about adult players. Every other person involved in any capacity with the team.
Sure that’s not compliant..That’s not safe guarding which requires ALL adults in contact with children to be Garda vetted and have the safe guarding course completed. There are additional coaching requirements on top of that. Think even practically about it- a child in the dressing room and showers with grown men, maybe even twice their age, maybe some with criminal records as long as your arm.

As I said earlier there isn’t a club I know complying with child safe guarding. It’s not deliberate, it’s just how flawed GAA policies and procedures are. How many people know that the use of WhatsApp is specifically not allowed under GAA policy.

Regardless, Mr Gallagher states he is fully compliant with all of the GAA requirements.
Btw, I read today on X that allegedly the witness who came forward as his ex wife’s former friend and put her version of what happened up online never went to the police and was an employee of G former father in law. It appears the statements were on social media only. That may or may not be true
Front of Sindo today: Gallaghers' battle "in the court of public opinion". It seems that how you pursue your sporting life, or a professional life, can be decided by the whims of the public. Why would anyone get involved in a public role in such circumstances?
Front of Sindo today: Gallaghers' battle "in the court of public opinion". It seems that how you pursue your sporting life, or a professional life, can be decided by the whims of the public. Why would anyone get involved in a public role in such circumstances?
On social media if you suggest Gallagher should be left carry on coaching due to no conviction you are accused of being an apologist for domestic abuse
On social media if you suggest Gallagher should be left carry on coaching due to no conviction you are accused of being an apologist for domestic abuse
Nicola Gallaghers statement on social media was extremely powerful. Your heart would break for her and her children. It triggered our societal consciousness which has grappled and struggled with domestic abuse for generations.
If you took Mrs Gallaghers description as the gospel (which it very well might be- I dunno) and didn’t read anymore into the thing then you’d logically be part of the outcry against such a prominent figurehead in Ulster GAA and nationally .
I’ve just read Eamon Sweeneys article in the Indo. Normally I enjoy his columns. Today, he defends the role of the GAA president which is fair enough but he goes in incredibly heavy on Gallagher. I just can’t believe the references and direct comparisons he is making with rugbys Coulsen a convicted rapist serving 14 years in prison and Farrell 4 years for watching on, Conor McGregor (of course) and a paedophile playing premier league soccer. The police have said twice that Gallagher has no case to answer.

I wonder how the GAA will manage the enforced mass exodus of players, mentors, officials if this is the bar of accountability they will hold their members too. Allegations made in a social media post?
I also have to ask how the association suspends someone for just 48 weeks who assaulted a match official and was convicted and jailed for 18 months. The biggest award possible in the game given to an individual months after he was convicted.
Then what appears to be akin to an implied life time ban for someome who was never even charged or prosecuted with a crime.

We used to complain about the rough justice dished out to us by the Crown!!
On social media if you suggest Gallagher should be left carry on coaching due to no conviction you are accused of being an apologist for domestic abuse
In fairness Jimmy I doubt any of us really knows what went on between Gallaher and his wife, we'll all just have to wait until Soundy gets back.
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