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Robin Williams rip

Putting up with and overcoming the shit is what women need to do, though.

Women need to be more like men.

Men need to do it too. They need to shut up with the assumptions.
And women are doing it, but change is incremental.

Remember, you put forward the scenario of women in pubs - I simply answered that this is why most of us don't enjoy it, and thus don't do it if we can avoid to.
it's the equivalent of saying " stupid women, they can't handle their drink and end up dropping their knickers to whoever buys them a drink"

it's that level of sexism.

That's not a fair analogy at all.

Fish asked why women don't go to pubs alone.
In my, and my friends' experience, you can almost guarantee being hassled - and I gave a gradient from being annoying to being harassing.

Prvious to that, I said an added sprinkle of alcohol bravado.

Just because you interpreted it as 'stupid men, drunk all the time', then that's your issue.
Fish asked why women don't go to pubs alone.
In my, and my friends' experience, you can almost guarantee being hassled - and I gave a gradient from being annoying to being harassing.

Prvious to that, I said an added sprinkle of alcohol bravado.

This is true.

I walked into a bar last night alone as I arrived late and all my work colleagues were in the beer garden at the back. Between the entrance and the beer garden I encountered an asshole who thought they had the right to grope my thigh and ass and spill a drink on me as I was walking past him.

This might have very well still happened if I was walking in a group, but walking through the bar alone probably didn't help my situation.

I brushed it off and just continued on to meet my friends out the back and didn't let it bother me for the rest of the night. Still though, it's a sad situation when a woman can't walk from the front to the back of the bar alone without getting some sort of unwanted attention.
That's one perception, I suppose.
The other is that people assume there's something wrong, that you're lonely, or a visitor to the area.

You sit in a pub alone and you have no shortage of assholes thinking you have a sign up saying 'come over and annoy the shit out of me, will you?'.
If it's a evening, rather than afternoon, the likelihood increases 10 times over, with the added generous sprinkle of alcohol bravado.

Do you know the shit a women takes when she asks to be left alone, and some fella has had a load of beer?
How genuinely unnerving and disconcerting it can be? How sometimes, it gets to the point of insecurity and concern?
Ask those women, who don't like to be in a pub alone how many of them have been grabbed or groped. How many have had a drunken prick trying to corner her and kiss her. Ask them.

This is stuff that men in a pub alone have no experience of, I would imagine.
Women don't tend to sit alone in a bar, because they'd prefer not to put up with the shit.
Which is fair enough, I'd say.

All the reasons women are usually late to meet friends or meet up elsewhere first. I've never sat in a pub on my own and been left alone.
I've been grabbed and hassled in several western European countries (and others, but they would just be laughed at by some of the guys here), but the only times I've been genuinely sexually harassed and sexually assaulted has been in Ireland.

And it's not a misandrist agenda, which is how it's sometimes taken here, but it's trying to highlight that this shit does continue, and it's better to acknowledge it (by both genders) than pretend it either doesn't happen, or that it's very rare and uncommon.
I would say that all women who drink probably should drink less.

I would say the same for all men.

Allegedly, we all drink too much.
The pub scenario is a bit stretched imho.

Pubs used to have snugs and also were divided in to bars and lounges to allow all customers the space to indulge.

As such women getting harassed in pubs is actually a quite modern phenomena.....
Hysterical Histories Cork- Dinner Theatre Experience
Amicus, Paul Street

12th Jun 2025 @ 7:00 pm
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