Nestlé Boycott

Boycott Nestle's products won't stop them and to be honest talk is cheap. It may be politically correct to say I'm not buying their products but you know you will.

It's called the Nestlé Boycott, I'm not urging people to boycott I simply posted the thread title under the name that will reap the most results should people choose to google.

I also didn't say I was or was not going to boycott Nestlé. I said their policies are horrendous and I find them sickening, they are and I do.

I couldn't give a flying fiddlers about political correctness tbh. I don't buy a lot of their products anyways so if I did decide to boycott it wouldn't be a great hardship on me, nor would it affect Nestlé, that's not the point I was ever trying to make. I wasn't aware of their practices and now that I am I'm appalled. I think it's absolutely disgraceful.
I tried to explain this to a very stoned guy i knew in college

After listening for awhile he said "do they put babies in the chocolate?"

"yes Dean, yes they do..."

If you ever bump into a drug dealer in Limerick called Dean who thinks the Nesle products contain dead babies, that is my fault ;-)
I tried to explain this to a very stoned guy i knew in college

After listening for awhile he said "do they put babies in the chocolate?"

"yes Dean, yes they do..."

If you ever bump into a drug dealer in Limerick called Dean who thinks the Nesle products contain dead babies,
that is my fault ;-)

I tried to explain this to a very stoned guy i knew in college

After listening for awhile he said "do they put babies in the chocolate?"

"yes Dean, yes they do..."

If you ever bump into a drug dealer in Limerick called Dean who thinks the Nesle products contain dead babies, that is my fault ;-)

What that he thinks that or that he's a drug dealer walking around freely (only joking but couldn't resist)
Well I'll be. Drug dealers in Limerick go to college. Drug dealers in Cork do a FAS course. Bigger frame, with real glass.
i tried to explain this to a very stoned guy i knew in college

after listening for awhile he said "do they put babies in the chocolate?"

"yes dean, yes they do..."

if you ever bump into a drug dealer in limerick called dean who thinks the nesle products contain dead babies, that is my fault ;-)

What that he thinks that or that he's a drug dealer walking around freely (only joking but couldn't resist)

heh heh heh

I knew him long before he was a drug dealer.

My other Dean story is that I waved to him once on the Galway- Limerick bus and he looked right through me, as if he had no idea who i was (even though I had known him for years). He got off the bus in Ennis and headed off walking up the train tracks with a stereo on his shoulder.

Few days later I bumped into him in college and asked him how Ennis was. He looked blankly at me so I told him about seeing him on the bus etc.

His reply "ah, thats really really cool, until now I had no idea where I was last weekend."

Mushie season - it can be dangerous!
heh heh heh

I knew him long before he was a drug dealer.

My other Dean story is that I waved to him once on the Galway- Limerick bus and he looked right through me, as if he had no idea who i was (even though I had known him for years). He got off the bus in Ennis and headed off walking up the train tracks with a stereo on his shoulder.

Few days later I bumped into him in college and asked him how Ennis was. He looked blankly at me so I told him about seeing him on the bus etc.

His reply "ah, thats really really cool, until now I had no idea where I was last weekend."

Mushie season - it can be dangerous!

As we used to say about lads like that 'Away with the fairies and they are not letting him go' or ' Stop taking drugs, because there will be none left for anyone else' :p
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