Jesus lads, 'tis looking like BREXIT!

‘Stabbed in the back’ narrative gathering pace. Historians will be pointing this out in 50 years when they’re explaining the end of the U.K. and the British civil War.
4000 word epic in Telegraph on its own is a thing of nothing. But coupled with BoJo in Ukraine and Sunak sacking Zahawi, with Raab on the chopping block - it's clear the ERG Bruges DUP meetings during the week means Sunak is on borrowed time.
4000 word epic in Telegraph on its own is a thing of nothing. But coupled with BoJo in Ukraine and Sunak sacking Zahawi, with Raab on the chopping block - it's clear the ERG Bruges DUP meetings during the week means Sunak is on borrowed time.
Oh they're already looking at changing the rules to be able to call a VONC in the 1922 committee. That'll be 4 PMs in under a year.

Will be interesting to see who gets the gig. I think they'll give i' Gove_Y till end o' season
4000 word epic in Telegraph on its own is a thing of nothing. But coupled with BoJo in Ukraine and Sunak sacking Zahawi, with Raab on the chopping block - it's clear the ERG Bruges DUP meetings during the week means Sunak is on borrowed time.
Labour will support any bill on E.U. -N.I. protocol anyway but Sunak is toast.


Cameron threw the ERG headbangers raw meat back in 2016 and the D.U.P. are simply idiots.

Sunak is very weak and he will be toast
Sunak is very weak and he will be toast

This. He's unbelievably weak. The local elections will most likely do for him.

While the Tories hope for some sort of miracle to rescue them, they stumble from one cluster fuck to another.

Even the stupid limeys aren't thick enough not to wipe them out at the next election.

Tories should take their medicine, call an election and fix the party while in opposition. The longer they draw this out the worse the losses will be.

The SNP could very well have the next leader of the opposition. If that were to happen, the Tory infighting will require me to buy lots and lots of popcorn 🍿
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