Jesus lads, 'tis looking like BREXIT!

The Energy Price Cap craic by Ofgem is utter, utter lunacy, particularly egregious is the Market Stabilisation Charge (MSC).

In a way, I could take the price rises, if they were going to be competed out once the price falls.
But they won't be:

"The MSC has not yet been triggered, and currently, suppliers would only be required to make a payment to the losing supplier if wholesale prices fall by more than 30% compared to those used to set the price cap. Ofgem has now decided that from 25 May, the threshold at which the MSC will be triggered will reduce from 30% below the wholesale prices used to set the cap level to 10%. Ofgem is also proposing to extend the MSC so that it remains in place until March 2023.

If suppliers are required to pay the MSC when taking on customers they will likely factor this into the tariff offerings they are bringing to the market. Ofgem has said that 85% of suppliers’ costs incurred by purchasing energy in advance will be covered by the MSC, meaning that if the charge is activated, and wholesale prices have dropped significantly, suppliers are not likely to be able to immediately pass the savings on to customers through tariffs that substantially undercut the level of the price cap. However, the arrangements protect suppliers that have hedged in line with the price cap from incurring major losses, helping to limit market exits which will ultimately benefit consumers in the long run."

Fucking moronic stuff.
The U.K. P.M. and Chancellor have gone missing and there is a Tory leadership talent competition for another 4 weeks yet and the pair of them are saying more and more outlandish things while Union leaders and Gordon Brown etc are the only ones talking sense.

People on welfare and fixed incomes are going to be shredded in the Autumn and the Tories are just waffling on about cutting tax and the woke agenda pitting people against each other as raw meat for their base while saying that they cannot do anything about rising energy costs.

They are detached from reality.
The U.K. P.M. and Chancellor have gone missing and there is a Tory leadership talent competition for another 4 weeks yet and the pair of them are saying more and more outlandish things while Union leaders and Gordon Brown etc are the only ones talking sense.

People on welfare and fixed incomes are going to be shredded in the Autumn and the Tories are just waffling on about cutting tax and the woke agenda pitting people against each other as raw meat for their base while saying that they cannot do anything about rising energy costs.

They are detached from reality.
I really think there's going to be civil unrest this winter if the price cap rise isn't killed or massively mitigated.
I really think there's going to be civil unrest this winter if the price cap rise isn't killed or massively mitigated.
You are 100% correct as if nothing is done pensioners will freeze to death, starve or both.

Not one Tory Minister when interviewed has fully recognised the full seriousness of the energy/cost of living crisis.

They "might" talk to the energy companies.
You are 100% correct as if nothing is done pensioners will freeze to death, starve or both.

Not one Tory Minister when interviewed has fully recognised the full seriousness of the energy/cost of living crisis.

They "might" talk to the energy companies.
They haven't a fucking clue. It definitely will kill people.

I have no problem digging out another £150 a month to pay off the bill. Truss's proposal for tax cuts would give me some of that back.

I dread to think what folks on benefits are going to do, they're already getting fuck all and Truss's tax cut proposals would do literally zero for them.

Just do not know how these morons sleep at night. The only explanation I have is they are simply too dumb to understand the implications of what they're doing.
HBB do you think this is this accurate............?

"Goods exports to the EU reached £16.4 billion in April 2022, their highest level in current prices since the series began in 1997. Imports from EU countries were £0.6 billion higher than from non-EU countries in April 2022.13 Jun 2022"

UK trade: April 2022 - Office for National Statistics

It's a single month, just after Covid had passed. Possible, but it's only a month, doesn't tell you much. 8% increase month-on-month is a lot, leading me to believe it's an anomolous figure.

I'd generally trust statistics from the ONS, just how they're presented here is clearly to feed a narrative.
Irish products have replaced a lot of British products on supermarket shelves across the continent and most Europeans have a very good grasp of English anyway but Irish S.M.E.'s could do a lot more work promoting their great products and they will in time do well.
Yeah agri foods is an obvious one. The secret sauce would be getting the services places. The likes of small engineering firms, Automation companies, software design companies, recritment firms and the like selling directly to the single market.

A lot of these places are based in the various regional towns and could make a big difference to Fermoy, Mallow, Charleville etc. With some expanded horizons of SMEs
Yeah agri foods is an obvious one. The secret sauce would be getting the services places. The likes of small engineering firms, Automation companies, software design companies, recritment firms and the like selling directly to the single market.

A lot of these places are based in the various regional towns and could make a big difference to Fermoy, Mallow, Charleville etc. With some expanded horizons of SMEs
I have some friends here in Cork who have seen their automation work in Germany and the Netherlands steadily increase in the past 18 months and we should pick up some of the U.K. services sectors work in the future.
More Delusions!

I’m sorry to tell you that Sunak’s latest campaign video opens with a shot of a piece of A4 folded paper stuck to an office door, with “Brexit Delivery Department” written on it.

A headless adviser-actor – presumably headless because he was too embarrassed to be identified in shot – enters the room to a weird exaggerated sound effect of the door squeaking. He proceeds to dump on a desk more paper than the Amazon rainforest has trees – marked as “EU legislation” – whereupon Ode to Joy from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony begins playing. If you’re thinking “hasn’t Ode to Joy, since 1985, literally been the official anthem of the European Union?” Yes.

The man in Sunak’s little film then begins to … shred the paper. He shreds it. I don’t know why this man thinks pretend-shredding pretend-documents would repeal laws but apparently that’s what is taking place. We know this because we are told this is what Sunak will do in his “first 100 days in office” (it’s always “in the first 100 days in office, isn’t it?).

The clip has a “KEEP BREXIT SAFE” strapline. Which … what? What is Brexit keeping us safe from? Steadily moving queues at Dover? Research grants for British universities? Visa-free travel? The ready availability of quality food products? Think I’d prefer to live dangerously, if that’s OK.
More Delusions!

I’m sorry to tell you that Sunak’s latest campaign video opens with a shot of a piece of A4 folded paper stuck to an office door, with “Brexit Delivery Department” written on it.

A headless adviser-actor – presumably headless because he was too embarrassed to be identified in shot – enters the room to a weird exaggerated sound effect of the door squeaking. He proceeds to dump on a desk more paper than the Amazon rainforest has trees – marked as “EU legislation” – whereupon Ode to Joy from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony begins playing. If you’re thinking “hasn’t Ode to Joy, since 1985, literally been the official anthem of the European Union?” Yes.

The man in Sunak’s little film then begins to … shred the paper. He shreds it. I don’t know why this man thinks pretend-shredding pretend-documents would repeal laws but apparently that’s what is taking place. We know this because we are told this is what Sunak will do in his “first 100 days in office” (it’s always “in the first 100 days in office, isn’t it?).

The clip has a “KEEP BREXIT SAFE” strapline. Which … what? What is Brexit keeping us safe from? Steadily moving queues at Dover? Research grants for British universities? Visa-free travel? The ready availability of quality food products? Think I’d prefer to live dangerously, if that’s OK.
In fairness at least Liz Truss said back in 2016 that Brexit would be a total disaster so she ignores all her correct predictions so she can be P.M. and inherit a dumpster fire of a government.
From the Guardian

Now, we are not the only nation to be hit by Russia’s declaration of economic war. But Brexit is making things a lot worse. In a new study Richard Morris of the European Movement says Brexit is widely recognised as “the worst act of self-harm in modern times”. It has damaged not just us, but Europe generally. As Morris states, Boris Johnson’s “posturing with [Volodymyr] Zelenskiy is no substitute for pan-European and global collaboration in responding to Russian aggression”.

But the economic self-harm is by definition largely ours. The Office for Budget Responsibility’s estimate of a 4% hit to Britain’s productivity or gross domestic product is well known by now. But as the evidence mounts, the NIESR estimates that the hit is nearer to 5-6% of GDP.

This does make you wonder why, to use a phrase favoured by Harold Lever, a Labour minister of the 70s, Brexiters like Sunak and Truss are “frolicking in the margins” of economic policy when the Brexit they promote will seriously undermine anything they try to do.

The consequences are now hitting British business and the general public. When the two contestants for the leadership were recently asked whether the chaos at the Channel ports was caused by Brexit, their instant denials were treated with the contempt they deserved.
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