Far-Right Protests in Fermoy

Incidentally how many in Douglas or Rochestown ?
The East Village and the Travelodge are both being used to house refugees. So that ls 2 out of the 4 'hotels' that would traditionally have been considered as serving the Douglas area.

As for Rochestown, the old Norwood Court Hotel development has been housing Roma for years, and as the area is largely residental there is no other place I can think of that could be used.
I see some local councillors were backing Derek and the opposition to another migrant centre being opened in fermoy,that's the 4th one .
As its a B&B there's not much that can be legally done about it.

No change of planning required, no enforcement notices can be issued, so its very easy for councillors to 'back' these

Is Fermoy the only town in Ireland with B&Bs?

Or more likely one of the (thankfully few) towns in Ireland with local nutjobs with nothing better to do than watch the local B&Bs and mobilise a few knuckledraggers as a welcoming party
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
The Corner House, Coburg St.

7th Aug 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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Tony Milner

The Welcome Inn, Today @ 10:30pm

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