Elon Musk buys Twitter

Icelandic business man of the year 2019, voluntarily pays higher tax to the Icelandic state to support other disabled people (making him the second highest taxpayer in Iceland), he's leading a project to build 1,000 ramps for disabled people and Iceland's Person of the Year last year.

And he's been fired in a way that is almost certainly illegal (no comms about it for 9 days, just shut off systems access)

Yeah, this is going to cost Musk an awful lot of money.
Clearly he has realised just how fucking stupid a mistake he made

From tax data, that guy was paid approximately €8M in 2021, when he sold his company to Twitter, he insisted it was paid as salary.

Now imagine the payout in court if he decides to sue for wrongful dismissal. Elon can afford some pretty hefty punitive damages and the ability to pay is usually a big factor in the amounts decided...

Yeah, no surprise he's looking to keep him in Twitter now.
The thing about "paying higher taxes" is that he could have just straight up sold the business he owned and paid CGT on it, and taken other restructuring approaches to minimise his tax liability. Instead he chose to take an annual salary that meant he paid the most taxes due to all the support he's received from the Icelandic state for his disability (and for others in similar situations.)
The thing about "paying higher taxes" is that he could have just straight up sold the business he owned and paid CGT on it, and taken other restructuring approaches to minimise his tax liability. Instead he chose to take an annual salary that meant he paid the most taxes due to all the support he's received from the Icelandic state for his disability (and for others in similar situations.)
Yeah, he's basically taking pot shots at the tech equivalent of Mother Theresa of Iceland.

It's worth noting that Iceland has a population of less than Cork county. If he's employed under Icelandic law and this fella decides to go legal with it, god help Elon.

Any tech nerds have any thoughts on this? I'm a complete know nothing in this area but one or two pods I watch/listen to have expressed similar concerns

@Handy Run @How bad boy

AI has gotten to the stage now where it can actually learn.
I remember Google developed some AI program a number of years ago which basically had a digital man running an obstacle course. Without any input from the engineers he slowly, through constant trial and error and many thousands of attempts made his way through the entire course.
The first attempt he hit the first obstacle and the program would restart. He would hit it again the second and third time and so on until eventually he learned how to avoid the first obstacle and then the process would repeat for the second obstacle and so on until eventually he ran the course flawlessly from start to finish.

Now that was a good few years ago so you can imagine with the pace that tech is advancing where it could potentially be at now.

Pair that capability with advanced robotics and it suddenly becomes a pretty scary proposition.
In the pond they glide,
With feathers soft and wide,
Their quacks echo through the air,
As they swim without a care.

Majestic creatures of the water,
Their beaks like orange daggers,
Graceful as they paddle,
Watching over ducklings like a mother.

In the rain they splash and play,
Underneath the clouds, they have their way,
Wings outstretched, they soar and fly,
In the evening, they say goodbye.

The beauty of the ducks we adore,
Their innocence and joy we can't ignore,
Oh ducks, you bring us such delight,
Your presence a true wonder of sight.

Just downloaded an AI app. So i started by asking it who is God and got the PC answer , so then asked it for a poem about ducks. I think it took 5 seconds.

Why didn't they have this when i was in school? ☹️
Will Arsenal win the league?

As an AI language model, I don't have any knowledge of future events, so I cannot predict whether Arsenal will win the league or not. It will depend on a lot of factors like the team's performance, the skills of individual players, injuries, and other unpredictable events. However, I wish Arsenal all the best and hope they have a successful season.

Fence sitting cunt.
Stand-up Comedy Club: Thursday Showcase
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5th Sep 2024 @ 8:30 pm
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