Describe your Sunday.

Up at 6am.
Tea, shower.
Walked.dogs for two hours.
Watched son fight on PPV LOL
Walked dogs again
Watched documentary
Bed at about 2.30.
Did a Thai boxing class in the morning and then strolled around downtown Singapore for the afternoon/evening - Merlion Park, Marina Bay, quality food in a great people watching spot and a nice pint or two. Took a ride in a gondola on indoor canal in Marina Bay (cheesy but smally loved it, that’s what matters most!). Caught the spectra light/laser show at the bayfront then before heading back to hotel.

Family heads home next week, I follow on a week or two later. Will bloody miss the place!
Singapore is great. Took me a few trips there to fully appreciate how good it really is (and tbh, the whole silent dictatorship thing doesn't sit well with me, so I don't think I could live there), but once you start venturing off the main drags and exploring it's great. Big fan of the area around Bali and Haji Lanes. The Cloud Forest at Gardens on the Bay is well worth a visit, if you haven't been yet.
Up at about half 9
Supermarket shop
Preparation for barbeque - 15 people over for the afternoon
Had barbeque, haunted with the weather - it was much sunnier than expected
Barbeque finished about 8, cleaning up since
Sitting down now for a chill out before bed
Watching "love yourself today". It's very medicore so far.

Singapore is great. Took me a few trips there to fully appreciate how good it really is (and tbh, the whole silent dictatorship thing doesn't sit well with me, so I don't think I could live there), but once you start venturing off the main drags and exploring it's great. Big fan of the area around Bali and Haji Lanes. The Cloud Forest at Gardens on the Bay is well worth a visit, if you haven't been yet.

Yeah, the whole police state thing is pretty strange - no presence on the streets etc, but cameras and undercovers are everywhere. There's been a fair few executions in my time here as well for drugs. There's definitely an incentive to play within the rules here - to be fair, I think we could probably lean that way at home a little more, but it's a bit much here. Still, it's a young country (just 57 years old) and a big melting pot of cultures/religions etc so there's a lot to do. They legalised the gays here this week - a big step forward (I'm convinced my attending a rally during Pride here on my last visit had something to do with that :D).
Stand-up Comedy Club: Cork's Primetime Comedy Show
The Roundy, Castle St.

7th Sep 2024 @ 8:30 pm
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The Hacklers

Crane Lane Theatre, Today @ 6:30pm

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