Describe your Sunday.

Lyric FM is very good like I mentioned some time ago.
John Kelly is underrated 7 to 9 weekdays. Lovely soft voice and music you'd never hear usually. He's also sardonically witty in a mild fashion.
It's music to mellow to though, you wouldn't be cleaning the house listening to it
Up 9.30, breakfast outside with extended family
Pack up and say goodbyes
Swim in Lough Hyne
Stroll around Clon
Swim in Inchadoney
Drive most of the way home
Call roadside assistance
Taxi from Horse and Jockey
Bed after midnight
Up at about half 9
Supermarket shop
Preparation for barbeque - 15 people over for the afternoon
Had barbeque, haunted with the weather - it was much sunnier than expected
Barbeque finished about 8, cleaning up since
Sitting down now for a chill out before bed
Watching "love yourself today". It's very medicore so far.
The Undertones
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

19th Dec 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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From Source To Sea

Crawford Art Gallery, Today @ 10am

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