
Making shit up now Soundman.
"And much of that 600M is being used to purchase busses next year BEFORE the proposed roadway changes are approved. Would seem very foolish if, as has been suggested, some of these busses won't be able to operate on certain routes without the necessary roadway changes being in place first.

I get that a viable, which means it must be dependable and timely, public transport system is good for the city and for the planet, but this headlong rush into trying to make private car drivers somehow social pariahs is madness imho. Yes there should be safe cycle lanes - but making them 1.8M wide in both directions without even an imposition that cyclists must stick rigidly to cycle lanes would seem an utter nonsense. And is there really a need for footpaths to be 3M wide on both sides as well??? The whole plan seems ill thought out tbh."

Which part of what I wrote are you claiming to be made up jank?
Just on the last bit, the bus connects plan for Cork was done by Jarrett Walker, who is more of an expert than you or I on these matters.

He and his team have worked all over the world on bus transportation.

The man who pays the piper calls the tune

If you want a report to say XYZ then you just have to pay someone to come up with a report that'll say XYZ. The more experienced the expert the more you're likely to have to pay.
Was down early yesterday for the football games so went for a walk around the marina park, while there a child on a push bike was hit by a lad on a motorised scooter,while the child was wrong the park should be no place for motorised scooters/bikes.
Was down early yesterday for the football games so went for a walk around the marina park, while there a child on a push bike was hit by a lad on a motorised scooter,while the child was wrong the park should be no place for motorised scooters/bikes.

Those motorised scooters should be legislated for immediately imho. There should be an obligation for them to have lights front and back, for their driver to wear a helmet and ideally a high-viz vest or have some high-viz marking on the scooter, and they should be speed limited. And it should be enforced!
Just on the last bit, the bus connects plan for Cork was done by Jarrett Walker, who is more of an expert than you or I on these matters.

He and his team have worked all over the world on bus transportation.
That crowd worked on the redesign of the full bus network.

The infrastructure for the 12(?) main routes in the news at the moment was done by a bunch of different contractors.

2 very separate parts to the Bus Connects plan
The figure of 1200 I saw in a local newspaper, the Echo I think. 191 trees will have to be removed on the Mahon route alone, add in the proposals for Ballybrack woods in Douglas plus all the other routes and the number isn't far fetched at all. I'm not sure what they expect people who don't have off street parking are expected to do in areas where street parking is to be removed, I'm all for cycling but this plan is already looking very divisive indeed.
The figure of 1200 I saw in a local newspaper, the Echo I think. 191 trees will have to be removed on the Mahon route alone, add in the proposals for Ballybrack woods in Douglas plus all the other routes and the number isn't far fetched at all. I'm not sure what they expect people who don't have off street parking are expected to do in areas where street parking is to be removed, I'm all for cycling but this plan is already looking very divisive indeed.


On point.


As an environmentalist I cannot in all good conscience support Bus Connects in it's current guise.

Save the Mangala woods.
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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