
I think there's more wrong with it than just the business stifling aspects too. While chopping down trees, CPOing peoples' gardens, and making residents drive miles further on one-way systems clearly isn't environmentally friendly, and mightn't cost someone cycling in from Carrigaline a thought, it will lead to much resentment amongst urban dwellers living on or near those routes. And this is all without the inevitable disruptions, noise, and dirt of constructions on the various roadways.

And while the occasional cycle can be cathartic, telling someone that they must cycle in the rain or wait at a bus stop as full bus after full bus passes by won't be popular or appreciated. I'm told this TFI plan was conceived by planners in Dublin where they live in a relatively flat city where there's less rain. Giving cyclist primacy over cars in Cork's hilly and relatively wet city doesn't make as much sense as it might in dublin imho.
A bunch of unelected bureaucrats from Dublin trying to impose their views on Cork. No wonder, local unelected groups are so in awe of it. And the unelected bureaucrats from Dublin refuse to even open an office here.

Fuck them. We showed another bunch of unelected bureaucrats from London the door back in 1922.

Jeebus, congratulations on being such a pedant in your ongoing fixation with me.

I don't even remember what you're referring to but I think it would have been obvious to most reading my posts that I'd have meant generally cyclists don't post videos of other cyclists breaking the rules. Of course there are some cyclists posting up videos of cyclists breaking rules; some motorists posting videos of motorists breaking the rules, and indeed I'm sure there'll even be some pedestrians posting up videos of pedestrians breaking the rules. But generally it tends not to work like that.

Most people would have grasped that concept but I see your fixation with me is such that you've stored up your potential for pedantry like some weird hoarder. Well done you. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the essay at the tax payers expense but my post was 4 days ago, I and the forum have long moved on. Catch up may be your thing but it isn't mine so obviously I wasn't arsed reading.
No. That would be silly,. There would be no cars.

Just zombies, alkies, fast food junkies and cheap phone shops.

Not forgetting the churches, courthouses and ancillary priets/paedos, muggers, cops, lawyers and judges they attract.

It's over, move on. Nobody cares about the journey, it's the destination that's important.



Well whatever, the issues or non-issues going on in the City Centre is not the fault of Buses or Cyslists.
A bunch of unelected bureaucrats from Dublin trying to impose their views on Cork. No wonder, local unelected groups are so in awe of it. And the unelected bureaucrats from Dublin refuse to even open an office here.

Fuck them. We showed another bunch of unelected bureaucrats from London the door back in 1922.

Small time thinking for a small man with a small brain.
Nah, much better to knock down structures and take away people's gardens and trees so as to have more cycle lanes that cyclists won't even bother using :rolleyes:
Whats your solution, since you love to give out about traffic?
Build more roads, but don't take peoples gardens for the space?
And much of that 600M is being used to purchase busses next year BEFORE the proposed roadway changes are approved. Would seem very foolish if, as has been suggested, some of these busses won't be able to operate on certain routes without the necessary roadway changes being in place first.

I get that a viable, which means it must be dependable and timely, public transport system is good for the city and for the planet, but this headlong rush into trying to make private car drivers somehow social pariahs is madness imho. Yes there should be safe cycle lanes - but making them 1.8M wide in both directions without even an imposition that cyclists must stick rigidly to cycle lanes would seem an utter nonsense. And is there really a need for footpaths to be 3M wide on both sides as well??? The whole plan seems ill thought out tbh.

Making shit up now Soundman.
I think there's more wrong with it than just the business stifling aspects too. While chopping down trees, CPOing peoples' gardens, and making residents drive miles further on one-way systems clearly isn't environmentally friendly, and mightn't cost someone cycling in from Carrigaline a thought, it will lead to much resentment amongst urban dwellers living on or near those routes. And this is all without the inevitable disruptions, noise, and dirt of constructions on the various roadways.

And while the occasional cycle can be cathartic, telling someone that they must cycle in the rain or wait at a bus stop as full bus after full bus passes by won't be popular or appreciated. I'm told this TFI plan was conceived by planners in Dublin where they live in a relatively flat city where there's less rain. Giving cyclist primacy over cars in Cork's hilly and relatively wet city doesn't make as much sense as it might in dublin imho.

Just on the last bit, the bus connects plan for Cork was done by Jarrett Walker, who is more of an expert than you or I on these matters.

He and his team have worked all over the world on bus transportation.
Whats your solution, since you love to give out about traffic?
Build more roads, but don't take peoples gardens for the space?

I've already said I can see the merit in some cycle lanes, BUT, and it's a big BUT, once separate cycle lanes where no traffic can go, have been provided cyclists should be restricted to staying in their cycle lanes and not weaving in and out of traffic on drivers' blind sides - it'll be safer all round.

There should not be the need to provide overly wide cycle lanes and footpaths (now that they'll be free of cyclists as well). There can be enough room for cars but with busses getting priority lanes. People who have bought and paid for their properties shouldn't have to give them up in order that some bus can get from Maryborough Hill into the city centre two minutes faster, and cyclists can come up from their detached homes in Carrigaline. And as for chopping down mature trees with huge leaf canopies to make way for all of this it's bonkers imho.
Sabrina Dinan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

2nd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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