
Making you read it twice so you might understand.
Understand what, a cyclist was prosecuted for cycling under the speed limit?
The same speed limits that you claim to exist in the UK even though you have posted a link that says

"Cyclists do not have to obey national road speed limits. Byelaws which include cycles need to be followed; don’t think that it’s cool to zip along a promenade or park, weaving in and out of cars which are limited to 15 miles per hour. The limit might apply to you, too.
Strictly speaking, there is no speed limit for cyclists. But in using the roads for transportation or leisure, regulations, codes, and laws should be adhered to. Common sense should apply."
It was a law that was passed in the UK (i.e. Ireland) in 1847 so yes it can be technically implemented.
I searched for the words "speed" and "bicycle" in that link to legislation you posted.

There were zero results.

Which is not a surprise as the first bicycle with pedals only appeared in 1853.

You're spouting bollocks, linking to stuff that doesn't support your assertions.
Ask your simp master and she should be able to dust off the dislocated tomes of Ireland.
I have no need to ask anyone else as you are the one making spurious claims. Now lets try again, have you got a link to The Town Police Clauses Act 1847 wrote in to our constitution?
Did you just make that part up?
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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