
There is no such thing as a technical speed limit for a cyclist.
i cycle at an appropriate speed all the amazed at guys on the line cycling at over 30 km per hour...there is a time and place for speed but not in certain places like.
Your whataboutism holds no gravity. So a cyclist hurtling down the road is grand?
Generally, yes.

How many people were killed or seriously injured by cyclists in Ireland last year?

The number for motorists is 155 dead, 1,292 seriously injured.

According to an observational survey by the RSA, 77% of drivers exceeded 50kmph speed limits.

That study looks pretty robust
"Data was collected at 11 urban road locations (50km/h) using automatic traffic counters. The fieldwork was conducted in October 2021, incorporating over 9,000 observations of all vehicle types."

Please tell us more about how dangerous cyclists are and it's worth spending time legislating against cyclists going over the speed limit.
No cyclist will reach over 50kmph but they can exceed 30kmph there is a loophole in the law that hasn't taken into account these lycra clad idiots in recent years, cycling in the country at such speed is ok but not in a built up zone where the speed limit is 30kmph. Exceeding this also applies to cyclists check the law.
Again, how does a cyclist know what speed they are doing? Stick up a link to the law and I will of course check it.
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