
I wasn't aware this is Ireland :ROFLMAO: but you are aware that most of the laws in the constitution were established by the English there are archaic laws in the constitution that date back to the early 19th century, if the UK established cycle speeding limits early in the 20th century it will apply here.
All i did was ask for a link to the law here that you said existed. I don't care about the UK
Under UK law cycling speed limits where set up at the beginning of the 20th century although Ireland is backwards in being explicit in law regulating this would be legislation in the Irish judicial system somewhere among it's murky books as Ireland inherited the Anglo Irish legislation and civil service.
That's bollocks, there aren't speed limits for cyclists in the UK.

No cyclist will reach over 50kmph but they can exceed 30kmph there is a loophole in the law that hasn't taken into account these lycra clad idiots in recent years, cycling in the country at such speed is ok but not in a built up zone where the speed limit is 30kmph. Exceeding this also applies to cyclists check the law.
Also bollocks, plenty places in Cork where a cyclist can hit 50kmph going downhill, especially on the Northside
I am afraid I don't have legal tomes at hand but why don't you ask your learned friend and you will be thus duly informed it's common sense really and common law.
Well it's certainly not part of UK law, so you're talking crap there.

"A group of cyclists were stopped by police officers after they were spotted riding at nearly 40mph down a 30mph road in Devon.

While speed limits do not apply to cyclists, Devon and Cornwall’s Roads Policing Team explained they were asked “to be mindful” of their speed and how this could affect a collision"

40mph is 64kmph, a speed that apparently "no cyclist will reach"
No cyclist will reach over 50kmph but they can exceed 30kmph there is a loophole in the law that hasn't taken into account these lycra clad idiots in recent years, cycling in the country at such speed is ok but not in a built up zone where the speed limit is 30kmph. Exceeding this also applies to cyclists check the law.
What kind of nonsense is this?
Cycling speed limits were introduced at the beginning of the 20th century, and were initially set at 20 miles per hour. However, due to frequent breaches of this limit, it was subsequently increased to 30 miles per hour1. Since then, there have been no further changes to make cyclists adhere to the same regulations1.

Please note that the information I provided is based on my knowledge up until 2021. For the most up-to-date information on cycling speed limits, I recommend referring to reliable news sources or official government announcements.
Again from the UK, now if you read further down the page where you copied and pasted from, you would have read the following....

"Cyclists do not have to obey national road speed limits. Byelaws which include cycles need to be followed; don’t think that it’s cool to zip along a promenade or park, weaving in and out of cars which are limited to 15 miles per hour. The limit might apply to you, too.

Strictly speaking, there is no speed limit for cyclists. But in using the roads for transportation or leisure, regulations, codes, and laws should be adhered to. Common sense should apply."
Sabrina Dinan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

2nd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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