Cork to Limerick Motorway

Have you tried this?

Very good smartarse. Did you titter uncontrollably to yourself as you posted that? :rolleyes: Are you in fact the male Babybliss??

If you actually bothered to read my post, even the NRA website doesnt have it. I found a shite version eventually but want a proper usable version.

You should probably get back up off the floor and clean the piss stains from your jocks now.
I haven't ever deviated from the Langers Forum but was rambling around and saw this thread. The original posts are from the late noughties and thats over 13 years ago. The Charleville problem has been going on for 30 years finally there may be some light. A lot of fatalities in the last year alone.
Niamh Murphy & Declan Sinnott
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

23rd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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DJ Mystic Gold

The Old Town Whiskey Bar at Bodega, Today @ 9pm

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