As Sunday closes in I can't get away from the thought that we are walking into the perfect storm, we will be facing a team that are almost written off, even by their own supporters, a team led by the ultimate trickster who have nothing to lose and a huge amount to gain, in their own backyard. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to guess Davey's recent team talks. This could be the toughest test of the four games and is an awfully difficult start.
Granted the league game is a poor barometer but it is important to remember that when they did open up the hit eight unanswered scores and pretty much ripped us apart, and we had a strong team on the field.
I am hopeful that we have enough to come through this but I can't get away from the feeling that they are already looking up the road waiting for us to arrive. " Come in to my parlour,said the spider to the fly"