Cork Hurlers - Part 2

I thought Tim played fierce well when introduced. I don't rate him as a back but is a serious hurler.

I'm still not sure on t o connell. He doesn't strike me as a top class inter County hurler.

Lucky to get out of jail. Great game though.

Harney mighty. Kingston v dangerous
TOM was outstanding when introduced.
He put 2 straight into touch this evening.
Whoever plays in goal for Cork will make a few errors because our forwards are so poor at winning puckouts that everything has to be ridiculously precise. Nicky Quaid for example has numerous options. Our forwards movement was very poor.
We have to go short and work it out dangerously too often because we can’t go long too often. Roman Maher had a field day with the long ones
These tackles to the head are getting out of hand. Kids and club players watching it will start copying. If it's not stamped out some serious injuries are going to start appearing around the country.
Limerick opened the Pandora's Box. A head shot or two, concuss an opposition key player or two.
Now that other teams are realising referees are doing nothing about it, they are all jumping on the bandwagon.
As a few posters have rightly pointed out, unfortunately it's going to take a serious injury before the gaa actually take action on this.
The standard of refereeing is abysmal and desperately needs to be discussed/reviewed. That tackle on Fitzgibbon was downright dangerous and received a yellow?? If things like this are let slide, it's only a matter of time before a player is seriously injured. Paud O'Dwyer shouldn't be let near a match again.
Refs can’t spot everything or if they do spot it they sometimes get it wrong, which is why all dangerous play incidents should be reviewed afterwards regardless of if the ref dealt with it or not. Are we going to wait until someone gets brain damaged or worse on the field of play?
Refs can’t spot everything or if they do spot it they sometimes get it wrong, which is why all dangerous play incidents should be reviewed afterwards regardless of if the ref dealt with it or not. Are we going to wait until someone gets brain damaged or worse on the field of play?
They can't to be fair, but we have linesmen around the pitch and four umpires. They are all guilty of letting it go and it's never spoken about after. You're dead right, something needs to be done before someone is really hurt. It's been desperate this season and that tackle into Fitzgibbon is just one of many. Dunno what it'll take for them to cop on, it's like they're scared to send lads off.
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