Cork Hurlers - Part 2

The only one I can think of that Mulchahy is referring to is Landers on Dalo's podcast.
Teddy Mc had a few words in the Echo after the Limk. game, but other then that most ex. Cork players were fairly balanced.
There's not that many that are regulars on the media circuit to be honest, Seanie McGrath, Eoin Cad's, Cusack?
If anything I find Cusack overly positive about Cork these days
Nash as well. Seemed to be sticking the knife into Kingston a few times with regards to Hoggie and also himself towards the end of his playing days.
I wonder if Pat Ryan et al will give Hoggie another year and/or if Hoggie will have the hunger and desire for it.

One thing is for sure, and we saw it in spades with Clare, you need a top free-taker to compete at the top level.
Landers can be annoying but much of what he said all year on the examiner podcast actually happened in games. It's hard to argue with a lot of things he said, I'm sure it's not easy for management to take some of it but it's probably reality of where things stand
Landers is painful. He's like the friend of a friend who's dragged out on a night out. You soon discover how annoying he is and it only gets worse. That loud laugh and always trying to crack some stupid joke. When he does talk hurling, he is not too bad, but his big personality drowns all that out. The others are good, in fairness, but Landers an annoying twat.
Landers is painful. He's like the friend of a friend who's dragged out on a night out. You soon discover how annoying he is and it only gets worse. That loud laugh and always trying to crack some stupid joke. When he does talk hurling, he is not too bad, but his big personality drowns all that out. The others are good, in fairness, but Landers an annoying twat.

I think his hurling analysis is usually worth listening to. His accent might be a bit grating and all of those pundits have egos, but he captained Cork to an All-Ireland victory so deserves respect for that and his opinions should be viewed in that light imho. There'll always be competing egos though.
Landers is painful. He's like the friend of a friend who's dragged out on a night out. You soon discover how annoying he is and it only gets worse. That loud laugh and always trying to crack some stupid joke. When he does talk hurling, he is not too bad, but his big personality drowns all that out. The others are good, in fairness, but Landers an annoying twat.

He can hardly help it
I have to imagine ye all talk like teletubbies to avoid imagining the posts with the more annoying cork accent
I think his hurling analysis is usually worth listening to. His accent might be a bit grating and all of those pundits have egos, but he captained Cork to an All-Ireland victory so deserves respect for that and his opinions should be viewed in that light imho. There'll always be competing egos though.

What accent is that?
yI think his hurling analysis is usually worth listening to. His accent might be a bit grating and all of those pundits have egos, but he captained Cork to an All-Ireland victory so deserves respect for that and his opinions should be viewed in that light imho. There'll always be competing egos though.
Ya - respect for that. Agreed when he talks hurling he is OK - but the banter is painful. He needs to rein it in.
I have to say the interventions from Pat Mul and Sully are a bit ill-advised. Mul in particular went on at length about how he doesn’t pay attention to social media and podcasts before going chapter and verse on what is said on them. Which is it like?

I don’t blame them for wanting to have a go back at Markeen but between that and some of Kieran Kingstons comments earlier this year there’s a sort of a narrative out there now that Cork spend too much time listening to what’s being said about them outside the camp and it influences their thinking. If I was a John Kiely, Lohan or Shefflin or whoever I’d be banking that one for the years ahead and thinking of opportunities to lob a few grenades. Landers had his turn on the merry go round in 2015 and we all saw what happened. It’s a waste of energy to be worrying about these things.

Even Cody only ever lets his inner prick out after a great victory.
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