Cork city has gone to the dogs.

Don't say that. According to clowns on here the City is as safe as it ever has been. A spate of attempted car thefts in Carrigaline. 20 drug deaths in 1 week alone. Coolmine rehab is running out of spots as so many people in Cork need treatment for drug and alcohol issues. Scumbags on here have their heads firmly in the sand.

I wouldn't be that alarmist about the city overall to be honest, I still think it's a relatively safe place. Just the drug dealing in that area is so obvious it's like something from the Pit in the Wire
I wouldn't be that alarmist about the city overall to be honest, I still think it's a relatively safe place. Just the drug dealing in that area is so obvious it's like something from the Pit in the Wire
It's very sad.
City was so safe.
When even the Lord Mayor says there are certain streets she wouldn't walk down.
There's a menacing edge that was never there pre Covid.

AUTOPSY results are awaited by the Garda team investigating an incident in which a man aged 32 died last month, two days after sustaining injuries in an alleged bottle attack in Cork city centre.

The awaited autopsy results were referred to by Sergeant John Kelleher at Cork District Court as he applied to have the accused man remanded in continuing custody on a charge of assault causing harm.

“Investigating members are waiting for postmortem results. I would apply to have the case adjourned for two weeks to August 2,” Sgt Kelleher said.
There's a menacing edge that was never there pre Covid.

The city centre and nearby outer areas are not safe currently. I do my best to avoid it where possible - although walking to and from work in the city means I that get to see what goes on 5 days a week.

Two of my colleagues have had the terrible misfortune of happening upon dead bodies in one of our doorways - both drug-related deaths, separate occasions. Grim.

One of the security people that lock up was attacked by a fella armed with a knife and totally out of his mind - only for the fact that the security company has a rule that two people have to be present to shut the place up, it could have been a lot worse. The attacker - as far as I know - was charged but never went to prison.

There is a serious lack of Garda presence on the streets - no real beat walking - and what there is out on the streets totally ineffectual and/or apathetic. Cops are just walking past incidents in broad daylight.

How your man is still getting away with the open drug dealing on Barrack St. day and night is beyond me.

I am, by no means, a shrinking wallflower and I grew up in a less salubrious parts of the Northside but if I'm in town at night for a few pints or a gig nowadays then I'll get a bus or taxi home whereas 5 years ago I would have walked without a second thought - no matter what time it was or what state I was in. The odds of getting in a scrap or stabbed for no reason haven't been this high since the 1990s.
If you live in town or are regularly in there then the level to which it has deteriorated might not fully register with you.
Kinda like how you might not notice how much the missus has let herself go until you see a picture of her from 10 years ago!
If you live in town or are regularly in there then the level to which it has deteriorated might not fully register with you.
Kinda like how you might not notice how much the missus has let herself go until you see a picture of her from 10 years ago!
You'll notice that pretty quick when you notice somebody else's Mrs., 😁😁
The city centre is a kip but that's not going to improve when you've a party trying to get into government who are only interested in pushing a united Ireland agenda which would make Ireland a more dangerous place than any of us have experienced in our lifetime with the exception of SoundMan who was here when the Vikings invaded
The city centre is a kip but that's not going to improve when you've a party trying to get into government who are only interested in pushing a united Ireland agenda which would make Ireland a more dangerous place than any of us have experienced in our lifetime with the exception of SoundMan who was here when the Vikings invaded
Man, not every thing in the world is SF's fault.

The above is like the story about the boy who cried wolf.
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