Cork city has gone to the dogs.

The "Government" does run and manage Cork city.

The Government imposes things like the garda policies and practices under which Cork City does business and is managed and where latterly criminals thrive. And there's more independent City Councillors, never mind FF, FG than SF ones.

If you put aside your anybody-except-SF bias for just a moment even you could see it
When did I say I expect things to improve?

Bad form alright from the government to to allow Cork City get so bad. Hopefully when Sinn Fein get into power they can fill all the empty retail units with shops selling tricolours and balaclavas

Who do you think are to blame for the dereliction in Cork City? Is it really all SF's fault? :rolleyes:
SF are the same as any other opposition party. Overpromising. They’ll do some good things in government but not nearly as much as they’ll have promised they would. FG and Labour pre 2011 (remember Labour’s way or Frankfurt’s way?) and FF pre 2020 did the same.
It’s the cheap bus services ,a river of heroin ,
They come down as mini mules and then shoplift as their faces might not be as well known to security ,different batch every week .

But in terms of Corks own let’s say you have two things ,
1) they will tell you that they come to the city centre as it’s less tough than the outlying areas ,
This is true to an extent as the cashless scenario these days has driven a lot of the nastier types into the suburbs in search of easy marks whether it’s burglary or shaking down teens ,I’ve forbidden my youngest one from frequenting one salubrious south city suburb for this reason ,town is safer for them too believe me ,

2) the second thing and paradoxically is the gpo ,
Sit at butlers and observe ,the poor misfortunes go in to the GPO to “get paid “and the dealers are circling waiting for them ,there is a chaotic rhythm to the movements ,but you’ll pick it up,

If you asked my colleagues in the thin black line what is the one thing they would like to see that would clean up the city they all agree it’s these guys getting cash Payments from the gpo,

Stopping cash payments would profoundly change the situation immediately but a minority may get violent ,unfortunately the cashless agenda must be resisted but this is one positive of it ,how could it be achieved ,

You’ll notice then that the streets get a lot calmer after 5 pm ,the simple reason is that’s when the majority of doormen and security guards clock in ,
At any given time there are x3 times what the Gardai have visually present ,
Lives are saved daily by them and this is no exaggeration as well as other interventions in situations thst just would not be tolerated in any other country ,

I imagine that if services were withdrawn to demonstrate how far the policing of our city now relies on private security the result would be mayhem ,
In the meantime people ask why businesses are closing ,try 35 plus euro an hour for security,

It’s a neat parallel with housing ,
Stop building (recruiting ) rely on the private rental sector (private security ) and then wonder where it all went wrong when the city grows ,

It’s actually easily fixed but none of the gov or council live i n the city ,

There will only be action when a young Garda is slain in broad daylight on the grand parade ,
But in the meantime let’s keep bigging up a failing English market to horrified tourists who will never return ,

No positive moves however will save us from the coked up 40 year old “fella” with the Douglas sneer .
I actually witnessed female Garda being slapped over the face repeatedly on Grand Parade 5-6 years ago, she could do nothing, her partner was just standing there trying not to escalate.... That was the moment I realized Gardai need to be armed ASAP, it's already too late
There are benefits to going cashless too though surely

No incentive for burglaries, no risk of rogue staff dipping their hands in the till, no illegal off market transactions such as people getting paid "cash in hand"
You always need some percentage of "cash in hand" market, free market would collapse without it, that's why governments allow it to some extent. I'm not talking drugs, cigarettes, alcohol here, but your local painter, electrician, plumber, cash in hand is vital to have those services going....
You always need some percentage of "cash in hand" market, free market would collapse without it, that's why governments allow it to some extent. I'm not talking drugs, cigarettes, alcohol here, but your local painter, electrician, plumber, cash in hand is vital to have those services going....
The government don't want any of that.
Like at what point did I blame SF for the state of Cork City?

Show me exactly where I suggested SF were responsible for how town is.

Go on.

I'm waiting.

Oh wait, you can't, because I never said that.

You big drunken layabout terrorist worshipping bollox.

It was by inference from what you did post MOE.

You claimed that if SF get in to power there'd be no change from Cork City being a kip (which it has become under FFG).

So rather than criticise those responsible you'd much rather blame those who MIGHT get into power becuase they MIGHT not be able to change things around after more than a decade of deterioration under FFG. But hey, in your mind SF are the real problem.

Real interesting that you'd label me as drunken - I've not had a drop since Friday night at a work do - can you say the same?

And I'm not a terrorist worshiper either.

Though in fairness according to Kev you might have a point about me being a b*ll*x :cool:
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