Cork city has gone to the dogs.

Convicted rapist

Kamal Kumar Nepali​

24 Of Beech park Ballincollig, originally from Nepal, was assisted during the 10-day trial at the Central Criminal Court sitting in Cork by a Hindi interpreter.

Wandered into a complete strangers house and raped her in her sleep. Jesus wept.

He should be strung up. The c*nt.
Should be deported back to whatever cave he crawled out of.
And Israelis bomb and butcher people in their tens of thousands, and stuff like that :rolleyes:
Ah piss off you, of course the likes of you is unable at all to see any fault at all on the Palestinian side.
Their scum started this in October, of course your own SF/IRA scum support Hamas blindly, fellow terrorists and all that.

They are as bad as one another and it was particularly down right stupid of the Hamas Scum to rattle the bear.
Ah piss off you, of course the likes of you is unable at all to see any fault at all on the Palestinian side.
Their scum started this in October, of course your own SF/IRA scum support Hamas blindly, fellow terrorists and all that.

They are as bad as one another and it was particularly down right stupid of the Hamas Scum to rattle the bear.

You really are as thick as coagulated sh*t aren't you. I've said multiple times that what Hamas did on 7/10 was deplorable.

The Israelis have been murdering Palestinians every year for the last 40+ years ever before Hamas carried out their brutal attack. But for people as thick as you who can only grasp black-or-white concepts it's too involved for you to understand that both the IDF AND Hamas can be wrong at the same time.

And if they are as bad as one another then they'd probably be killing each other's civilians in broadly similar numbers. But they're not.

I see that Islam is arcastically referred to as "Religion of Peace" elsewhere in the PROC. Well Judaism sure as sh*t isn't a Religion of Peace. Their Religious book - The Old Testament is chock full of "An eye for a na eye and a tooth for a tooth" and waring and smiting. No forgiveness or ccompassion, no Love they Neighbour for them it seems.
Bernard Casey (Local Gossip) and Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

14th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Cork/Brittany maritime Residency Exhibition

Triskel Arts Centre, Tomorrow @ 1pm

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