Batsh*t Crazy Green Party

Poor Statty is having his Legion of Mary fixation (well spotted btw) exposed.

The Blueshirt's opponents Dev spoke of "The Legion of the Rearguard" but Statty counters (repeatedly) with The Legion of Mary 🤣🤣🤣

Whatever they did to him, they have him caught in a vicelike psychological grip.

Hes livid now as one of his go to 'zingers' has been taken off the playing board.

Are there any other lay orders he can have a pop off?

The Knights of Columbanus perhaps?? A strange fellow.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
Sin É, Coburg St

6th Jun 2024 @ 6:30 pm
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Jan McCullough: Night Class

Crawford Art Gallery, Today @ 10am

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