Batsh*t Crazy Green Party

Not at all surprised that you'd misconstrue what I've actually written in order to try impress like-minded dullards.

Have another read of what I've actually written.
If you think that Gript Media are "Da Troot" then I just cannot take you seriously.

That is right up there with some doing their "Own research" into medical matters and a believe in conspiracy theories.
Would you blame them trying to grab a job while they can.

I think political journalists taking jobs as government advisors is a terrible look. How can they possibly be expected to hold to account the people they are angling for a job with?

It stinks and only further erodes peoples trust in the media.

Sorry for all the data and facts.

Can you even dispute any of them?


Have you hit your head?

You're making even less sense than usual.

Why should anyone trust numbers published in a newspaper that cant even distinguish the work of a person from a chatbot. Lol
I think political journalists taking jobs as government advisors is a terrible look. How can they possibly be expected to hold to account the people they are angling for a job with?

It stinks and only further erodes peoples trust in the media.

Have you hit your head?

You're making even less sense than usual.

Why should anyone trust numbers published in a newspaper that cant even distinguish the work of a person from a chatbot. Lol
Who has been holding the Govt to account apart from the opposition etc and the 4th estate since 1922?

The Legion of Mary?

You cannot dispute even a single one of the facts and data then?

Fair enough.

Which other articles in our newspapers have been generated by AI chatbots?

You make as much sense as someone who decides to scrap their new car just because it has suffered a puncture....."It is now broken, worse again they are probably all broken".........
Who has been holding the Govt to account apart from the opposition etc and the 4th estate since 1922?

The Legion of Mary?

You cannot dispute even a single one of the facts and data then?

Fair enough.

Which other articles in our newspapers have been generated by AI chatbots?

You make as much sense as someone who decides to scrap their new car just because it has suffered a puncture....."It is now broken, worse again they are probably all broken".........

Get some new material m8.

Seeing as the construction industry is at full capacity and we have full employment who will build all the houses that you repeatedly demand?

The Legion of Mary?

The far-right simpletons had nothing whatsoever to do with this.

Their online social media bat signalling call to arms never happened.

The Legion of Mary kicked this all off last Thursday.

Ah they do.

It is their actual job.

Who else is responsible?

Who do you contact if you trip or cannot safely traverse a ramp or path?

Who will provide public liability insurance?

The Legion of Mary?

You just sound like a chatbot regurgitating the same stock phrases over and over and...

Stacky Bingo;

'You cannot dispute my facts & figures'.

'The truth is a bitter pill to swallow'

'Who is going to XYZ? The Legion of Mary'?

And when he gets badly pwned he breaks out the

'You have nothing! Absolutely nothing'.


No, Dan.

"The Truth is Bitter"

You even went on a daft massive trawl for "The Legion of Mary" as you could not even respond to anything.

Oh well, plus ça change ;)
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Blarney Castle Hotel, The Square, Blarney

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