Batsh*t Crazy Green Party

They are privatly owned.

Statoil/Equinor are state owned and do not have a successful business plan for these waters.

Where is Equinor increasingly investing all its funds?


How many barrels of oil have been successfully extracted form the Porcupine Basin?
The oil and gas in the Porcupine Basin are owned by the state.
Only the Corrib field is privately owned. Which as I said, was done in exchange for the infrastructure.

As for Equinor

Norway oil and gas investments set to soar in 2024, industry says​

Those pesky Norwegians

"...Norway is western Europe's largest oil and gas producer, with a total output of just over 4 million barrels of oil equivalents per day (boepd).

While the country aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it also continues to explore for and develop new oil and gas fields, including in the Arctic Barents Sea...."
Ireland are laggards when it comes to climate but that doesn't mean we should follow the example of morally corrupt states like Russia and Saudi Arabia in driving on with fossil fuel extraction regardless of the dire warnings of the scientific community.

What other countries are following Irelands example?

Namely island nations that are leaving their energy production at the mercy of foreign providers.

Can you think of one?
The oil and gas in the Porcupine Basin are owned by the state.
Only the Corrib field is privately owned. Which as I said, was done in exchange for the infrastructure.

As for Equinor

Norway oil and gas investments set to soar in 2024, industry says​

Those pesky Norwegians

"...Norway is western Europe's largest oil and gas producer, with a total output of just over 4 million barrels of oil equivalents per day (boepd).

While the country aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it also continues to explore for and develop new oil and gas fields, including in the Arctic Barents Sea...."
It would cost billions to develop so where does that cash come from?

We don't develop it because we don't own it.

It was sold off to the Norwegians, BP etc years with any tax owed on extracted resource offset against the huge exploratory costs.

If there were easily accessible commercially viable oil & gas fields off the coast energy companies would be extracting it.

What may be there is spread over a vast area which is subject to very difficult conditions, making it very difficult to find and extract.

If it is not a commercially attractive proposition for the big oil & gas companies, so why would it be so for an Irish government?

It would take hundreds of millions a year over spread over a decade+ to carry out a huge exploratory drilling program to find a well viable commercial reserves.

Do we want to invest in additional carbon resources which won't even be online for a decade if at all?

There is little demand for Irish off shore licenses for a good reason which is why an Irish Government are not interested.

No one is saying that we will not require oil and gas for energy use for decades yet.

Norway is lucky-vast resources in shallow waters and easily extractible and at the fag end of the fossil fuel age.

Ireland is also going to "exploit" its wind assets and increase solar farms etc. and be an energy exporter.
It would cost billions to develop so where does that cash come from?

We don't develop it because we don't own it.

It was sold off to the Norwegians, BP etc years with any tax owed on extracted resource offset against the huge exploratory costs.

If there were easily accessible commercially viable oil & gas fields off the coast energy companies would be extracting it.

What may be there is spread over a vast area which is subject to very difficult conditions, making it very difficult to find and extract.

If it is not a commercially attractive proposition for the big oil & gas companies, so why would it be so for an Irish government?

It would take hundreds of millions a year over spread over a decade+ to carry out a huge exploratory drilling program to find a well viable commercial reserves.

Do we want to invest in additional carbon resources which won't even be online for a decade if at all?

There is little demand for Irish off shore licenses for a good reason which is why an Irish Government are not interested.

No one is saying that we will not require oil and gas for energy use for decades yet.

Norway is lucky-vast resources in shallow waters and easily extractible and at the fag end of the fossil fuel age.

Ireland is also going to "exploit" its wind assets and increase solar farms etc. and be an energy exporter.
The only reason it is not being explored is because we have stopped it.
The exploration licenses for each box have expired.

Only the Corrib field was sold in exchange for the infrastructure.

Equinor's last field went live off Mexico not Norway.

As the article reports 4 million barrels of oil a day and continuing to explore oil and gas opportunities to 2050. But nah, we have to be good girls and boys cos Éamonn says so, while flying business class to COP28, (which I have no objection to by the way - our ministers and head of state should travel according to their station) - it's just hilarious the double standard.
How is saying "exploit resources" tallying with the above?

Why not just cut down all the trees?

We produce gas, hydro power, wind and solar power as well as having energy inter-connectors from France and Ireland will be a net energy exporter by 2030 as there is huge investment in renewables here now.

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'By 2030' lololol

I have an event centre you might like to buy.

Jesus wept.
The only reason it is not being explored is because we have stopped it.
The exploration licenses for each box have expired.

Only the Corrib field was sold in exchange for the infrastructure.

Equinor's last field went live off Mexico not Norway.

As the article reports 4 million barrels of oil a day and continuing to explore oil and gas opportunities to 2050. But nah, we have to be good girls and boys cos Éamonn says so, while flying business class to COP28, (which I have no objection to by the way - our ministers and head of state should travel according to their station) - it's just hilarious the double standard.
The private sector have not touched it because it is not financially viable.

Not because of anyone wanting to be "Good girls and boys" but because the energy companies cannot make a focking profit in Irish waters even during the recent spike in oil prices.

Mexico is not the West coast of Ireland etc.

I am now struggling very badly to simplify this even further.
The private sector have not touched it because it is not financially viable.

Not because of anyone wanting to be "Good girls and boys" but because the energy companies cannot make a focking profit in Irish waters even during the recent spike in oil prices.

Mexico is not the West coast of Ireland etc.

I am now struggling very badly to simplify this even further.
They haven't touched it because we don't allow it.
The plan was to do Corrib until we had the tech and infrastructure and then do it ourselves.

Mexico is not the "shallow geology" off Norway was my point i.e. Equinor at 4 million barrels a day are not being told by the Norwegian government, who own them, stop exploring for fossil fuels because the Norwegians are living in the real world.

You're not struggling to simplify anything, you're struggling to come with a viable argument other than global warming and climate change is happening - which I agree with you on. However no one else in the world is doing what we are doing.
They haven't touched it because we don't allow it.
The plan was to do Corrib until we had the tech and infrastructure and then do it ourselves.

Mexico is not the "shallow geology" off Norway was my point i.e. Equinor at 4 million barrels a day are not being told by the Norwegian government, who own them, stop exploring for fossil fuels because the Norwegians are living in the real world.

You're not struggling to simplify anything, you're struggling to come with a viable argument other than global warming and climate change is happening - which I agree with you on.:rolleyes:
It is not happening because it is not remotely financially viable and no Government or international investment bank would ever finance it.

See post#3,462.

This is like explaining a giant illegal techno rave on Good Friday in a recently vacated abbatoir to Mattie McGrath.
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