Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

WSJ: Moscow Stock Exchange to remain closed for third week.

The Moscow Exchange said the country’s main stock market will stay closed until March 18.

It has been closed since Feb. 25.
This conflict is turning into a Spanish civil war conflict, Ukraine now has the foreign legion from many different countries fighting while forces from Syria and Central African Republic are fighting for the Russians.
This conflict is turning into a Spanish civil war conflict, Ukraine now has the foreign legion from many different countries fighting while forces from Syria and Central African Republic are fighting for the Russians.
Why is the great russian army depending on help from third world countries. Putin has made some fucking mess.
Why is the great russian army depending on help from third world countries. Putin has made some fucking mess.
$50 a week for the mercenaries and a free flight home or a body bag.

One thing to be killing lightly armed Syrians in Aleppo in the sun to coming up against well armed Ukranians in the snow

I absolutely agree with your statement @King Silkbeard this is already very similar to Spanish War, hopefully it will not lead to the scenarios which followed that war in the past.

Some various news, not all fresh, but I believe all of those not posted here.

I was reading yesterday that convoys with humanitarian supplies are being targeted by Russians, no matter that those are marked by Red Cross etc.
- There are reports that two RC convoys in the Eastern part (Mariupol) have been stopped and robbed by occupants
- There is a video posted by Ukrainians showing what seems to be the remains of volunteers and their vehicles (allegedly transporting helmets, vests, food and medicine) attacked and destroyed in the Northern part of UA by Kiev
- Just seen a video from popular historian who does loads of videos on history and now helping UA (many subscribers) who reports: they had multiple attempts to break into their mails, servers etc., that they have found GPS trackers in the parcels sent with aid to them (they do convoys themselves, what scums the Russians are, wonder why they want to track the transports), they receive calls and messages with threats.
- The people who transport volunteers to the border crossings are reporting they need to bring bottles of vodka with them to bribe marauders and saboteurs on the way.
- Ukrainian army announced to not or to avoid entering UA with 4x4 cars as these are being captured by Russians and.. by some feckers who are acting on their own, and what is worst are stealing those cars saying they are on UA side to then sell them to the side which will pay more...
- There is a relation from Kiev area on civil car with two men and a boy being drove over by a Russian tank while trying to evacuate (allegedly father, grandfather and the boy were killed in this incident)
- In Polish media there was an article on the guy who is evacuating animals: he already managed to move to safety in PL hundreds of cats and dogs but on his list are also tropical birds, rodents, reptiles and even a chameleon. Btw. in the first days of the war animals form the Kiev and Odessa Zoos were evacuated to Poznan PL (there were tigers in the first transport and baby cubs!, now lions joined). Photo below is of lion from Odessa travelling to safety:

IMPORTANT Mer of Lviv confirmed Russians bombed the military location 16 km from the Polish border.
To give you an idea, the explosions were heard over the border and below is a map showing the route from Yavoriv to the closest Polish crossing, posting it here, so you can see, it is as if someone just bombed Midleton (23 km):

Here is an example of Russian barbarism (attack confirmed, loses not yet officially), people fled to the monastery to seek refuge and then were attacked:

Official info from the Polish Border Guards, until yesterday EU was entered through the PL border by 1,675 MILLION refugees:

Volunteers across Poland are asking for help, the general help is there but they simply are running low on their private supplies and are wrecked physically and mentally. The idea circulating is that now EU and UN should step in as private volunteers bought three-four weeks of time to get structural aid introduced.
Everyone is welcomed to help. So instead of talking about joining the fight, you can arrive even for two-three days and simply HELP, doesn't have to be at the border ;)

There are offered 300000 locations by private volunteers in Germany to host refugees at their homes, there is no huge movement, as refugees want to stay in PL - similar culture, language, many Ukrainians living there already and close to Ukraine. Those are refugees not economical immigrants - thus the difference.

Polish government already started issuing PESEL (like PPS) to Ukrainians who arrived to PL. This gives full access to all services in PL (healthcare, education etc.).

There are reports of Russians using white phosphorus bombs (same as they did in Syria allegedly, these are banned to use).

Some other news:

and UK is going to go the same path Poland did offering support to those who invite refugees to their homes. This system works only if people are taking refugees voluntarily as it also can encourage all sort of scumbags to earn money on it...

To summarize: The help works, support works, why? Because Russians and their activities against volunteers and their actions are getting escalated. This means it works and that it gives the orcs a huge headache as their fucked-up plan does not work. Does not work in most cases, unfortunately in some countries Russian propaganda is strong.

Situational map (did not post that for some time, but here it is to give an idea how is front progressing):


edit: grammar, layout and I missed "no" in the first sentence which makes a big difference there ;)

I will try to post smaller entries but more often to not throw a wall of text and make it easier to read - thank you for the feedback! Originally I wanted to create sort of the briefings for Corconians, and also I have limited time to spend on it, sorry!
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