Wuhan Wheeze

The good doctor John's re education continues as he admits to being flabbergasted as to how the covid vaccination trials were manipulated. Apparently there is a thing called "relative risk and "absolute risk" and its "absolute risk" which should be given the attention.
The trials told us that the vaccines were 95%effective and so forth however the truth is the vaccines were 0.84%effective, yes 0.84%!......
The manipulation is brilliantly explained out in this video, no wonder Pfizer wanted their documents sealed for 75 years. Poor John, could pj have him on the show to inform us of such information please, their are still advertising this medical intervention as worthwhile.
Yeah 0.84%, and let's not talk about the vaccine injured.
You cherry pick crap day and night and you have no idea how the science works. You post a clip from Rumble, which is a bullshit wingnut conspiracy site and a BBC article that says in the headline “MAY have caused”.

The countries that took precautions (vaccines, masks, distancing, tracking) had far better results than those who didn’t, or didn’t do them thoroughly. In the US, the worst states are the Red states run by Republicans, the party of conspiracy ad quack remedies.

In terms of an epidemic, it’s pretty simple. Did the precautions save more lives or not? And they did.

And I’ll point out something that you don’t seem to get. If there were major problems with the vaccine, we would be setting them EVERYWHERE on earth where the vaccine is used. So show us that.

I’d love to know what your real agenda is. It’s certainly not to debate anything, because you never do.
You cherry pick crap day and night and you have no idea how the science works. You post a clip from Rumble, which is a bullshit wingnut conspiracy site and a BBC article that says in the headline “MAY have caused”.

The countries that took precautions (vaccines, masks, distancing, tracking) had far better results than those who didn’t, or didn’t do them thoroughly. In the US, the worst states are the Red states run by Republicans, the party of conspiracy ad quack remedies.

In terms of an epidemic, it’s pretty simple. Did the precautions save more lives or not? And they did.

And I’ll point out something that you don’t seem to get. If there were major problems with the vaccine, we would be setting them EVERYWHERE on earth where the vaccine is used. So show us that.

I’d love to know what your real agenda is. It’s certainly not to debate anything, because you never do.

How in the name of God are you not the runaway leader on the IOTY thread?
Sabrina Dinan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

2nd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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