World’s happiest, richest and healthiest countries


Norway, Switzerland and Denmark are the happiest, richest and healthiest countries, research has found.

And, sadly, the UK doesn’t even make the top ten.

The Legatum Institute, a London-based think tank, has released its annual Prosperity Index.

It measures variables including per-capita gross domestic product and the number of people in full-time work.

Here are the top ten:

1. Norway

2. Switzerland

3. Denmark

4. New Zealand

5. Sweden

6. Canada

7. Australia

8. Netherlands

9. Finland

10. Ireland

The index looked at the 142 countries that had the most data available.

The UK ranked 15th on the chart, beating Hong Kong, France and Spain.

Ranking near the bottom are countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen.

Sian Hansen, executive director at the Legatum Institute, said: ‘While many developed economies, particularly those in Europe, remain in the doldrums, there is further evidence that some countries are escaping the worst of the financial crisis.

‘Since 2013, the UK has improved the most economically of any major EU economy.

‘This is partly because full time employment amongst the poorest has risen from being the second lowest of any major developed economy in 2009, to the highest of any major economy in the EU.’
Norway, Switzerland and Denmark are the highest cost of living countries in Europe. But they probably have the highest suicide rate to go with it.

I'll stay here if it's all the same to you.
Switzerland is basically the world's narco accountant.
Whatever they achieve as a nation is tainted by their Sepp Blatter attitude to finance.

They still somehow manage to convey an air of supreme probity.
Total con job of a place.
Switzerland is basically the world's narco accountant.
Whatever they achieve as a nation is tainted by their Sepp Blatter attitude to finance.

They still somehow manage to convey an air of supreme probity.
Total con job of a place.

Very clean country. No stray dogs or cats. Weird.
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