Woman murdered in Tullamore..

Id imagine many of the white knights would also enjoy the wattsapps doing the rounds about Andrew and
probably share them, These messages make light of child abuse victims,
Paddy Jackson and I believe her were trending again last night because The Times sports editor had the temerity to suggest he could solve Ireland's problems at 10 for the next world cup. The white knighting was hilarious especially on Joanne O Riordan's feed.
thats politics, especially in Ireland Betty. No politician every does anything solely for the cause, its all about public perception

If it were my sister I would want none of them, or the cameras present.
I’d say that it’s more the office than the individual that is there.
The President and Taoiseach and Minister for Justice rather than Michael D Higgins, Mícheál Martin, or Helen McEntee.
It reflects the sorrow of the population
Gardaí investigating the murder of Ashling Murphy (23) in Co Offaly last week have arrested a man who was being treated for injuries in a Dublin hospital.
The suspect, who is in his 30s and has a partner and young children, was arrested on Tuesday after it was judged he had sufficiently recovered – physically and mentally – to face questions from detectives.
He was arrested in Dublin on Tuesday and was being detained under Section Four of the Criminal Justice Act. That allows for him to be questioned for up to 24 hours without charge.
Im sure it was Ken o flynn on with Neil earlier who suggested some form of ice bath treatment for offenders, wtf?
He made a good point on free legal aid, limit the amount of chances these scum get, He mentioned california where there is a three strike
rule, First offence you get a certain sentence, repeat the offence and sentence is doubled, and so on,
His loolah brother can be the first into it.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
An Spailpín Fánach, 28 South Main St., Cork

28th Sep 2024 @ 10:00 pm
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DJ Jason Coughlan (Crystal Bar)

Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 11pm

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