Which are the Terrorist States and Why?

Which are the world's major Terrorist States

  • Russia

  • Israel

  • China

  • Iran

  • UK

  • US

  • Syria

  • Nort Korea

  • Egypt

  • Serbia

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If he said they aren’t then I don’t agree. Hamas control Palestine. Hamas are a terrorist organisation.

There are/were terrorists active in a lot of states - but I'm not sure that's what is usually meant by Terrorist State.

To me a Terrorist State is one that is involved in inter-state terrorism, one that promotes, funds, facilitates terrorism in other states primarily, even though in its own home country there mightn't be much terrorism.

I get that mightn't be everybody's idea of what a Terrorist State is - hence my question.
There are/were terrorists active in a lot of states - but I'm not sure that's what is usually meant by Terrorist State.

To me a Terrorist State is one that is involved in inter-state terrorism, one that promotes, funds, facilitates terrorism in other states primarily, even though in its own home country there mightn't be much terrorism.

I get that mightn't be everybody's idea of what a Terrorist State is - hence my question.
To me if the Government of a state is itself a terrorist organisation as Hamas is then the state itself is a terrorist state. Hamas is involved in inter state terrorism through rocket attacks on Israel.
Correct Bosnia is a powederkeg but Serbia constantly poking the bear aided and abetted by the Russians. The yanks are firmly rooted in Kosovo so that take care of that. Serbia is caught in no man’s land either move forward and prosper but they appear to believe they are still a regional power who can wield power but those days long gone.
I think EU did a good thing with opening conversations in Bosnia and Herzegovina joining EU. That will put to bed a lot of issues on European soil and isolate Serbia even more. Serbia and Hungary are really outliers in Europe.
Palestine is also a terrorist state.
A two state solution could see Palestinians oust Hamas. The problem is and always will be with Iran.
With Israel withdrawing forces it seemed to me that Hezbollah was the next target on their list.
If peace is to be achieved it has to be put up to Iran.
It would be bloody but I see no other way out of this endless conflict.
To me if the Government of a state is itself a terrorist organisation as Hamas is then the state itself is a terrorist state. Hamas is involved in inter state terrorism through rocket attacks on Israel.
I can see where you’re coming from on that but given that Israel is itself a terrorist state (they helped set up and fund Hamas to weaken the Palestinian authorities at the time) and has always been killing and terrorising native Palestinians from its inception, then as Palestinian violence towards Israel is reactionary, I believe Palestine to be lass of a Terrorist State than Israel is.

Don’t think Palestinian forces have secretly entered other countries and assassinated Israeli officials for example. Nor have they bombed embassies in other countries like Israeli forces have.

So other than a fight over a border dispute with a neighbour which Palestinians are indeed having with Israel who have annexed Palestinian land and continue to do so, I’m not sure they’re involved in state terrorism the way Israel are.

In your opinion are all neighbouring nations involved in war on a border dispute de facto Terrorist States?🤔
A two state solution could see Palestinians oust Hamas. The problem is and always will be with Iran.
With Israel withdrawing forces it seemed to me that Hezbollah was the next target on their list.
If peace is to be achieved it has to be put up to Iran.
It would be bloody but I see no other way out of this endless conflict.
I agree on the two state solution but Israel have to give back the land illegally taken from Palestine.
However, war with Iran should be avoided because it could easily escalate into a global conflict which nobody in their right mind wants.
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