Training Run Times

Nice ones lads. Terrier, what's this about Feb not being the best month for a fella to train for a marathon? Can't say I get that at all, at all M8. You seem to be going well all the same. Guapo, great race there, fella. A fine report too.
I dunno about February - I was moaning about December / January. Pity it isn't in November, eh C. - I'd have had the three best months of the year to train in Spain and could chase that sub 2:10 ;)
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This was me yesterday while Guapo was hobknobbing with the speedsters - 07:30 throw-in and a stunning morning as the sunny dawn came up through the freezing fog - but christ, it felt long and it was a tough last hour. I was wrecked at the end of it. The first three miles had a lot of skating but the rest of it was at around 7:20 pace average for the miles. I had company from 3 to 17 so that was dacent but it meant the remaining 5 were a slog.

The Lee Road was slippy but the views were unreal over the flat misty fields of the River Lee as we tracked in towards town - intoxicating stuff. No wind meant I could run in the shorts which was a decent boost. In hindsight, Seville might be too early a marathon for someone from Ireland to enter - too much heavy training in the rain and freezing cold and over the Christmas. In fairness, Rotterdam was the one I wanted but it was full up when I tried to enter last October.

timeout was out with us - great to see him on the road to recovery from the chest infection. He didn't get to be one of the first purchasers of the Alphafly 3.0's during the week (LOL, his connection timed out on the Nike site) but watch out for him sporting a jazzy pair after the next batch come on stream!

Thats some running BPT.. looks a beautiful course down one side of the river and back the other

I was out on the rothar at a similar time I'd say.. 1 or 2 degrees and low sun out over the sea, absolutely stunning. Needed 20 minutes in the shower and a hot water bottle to be able to feel my feet or fingers again though.. some cold weather shoe covers and long bib required next!
Retroactive post-facto irony, my favourite type. Anyway, back to training talk. You seem to be getting in a few decent sessions. I had a rare peek at Garmin recently. Sub 3 out of the question???
sunday week i plan to start from turners x just up the hill from 17 mile mark and follow the marathon route to the finish line, the run from pana to turners x should bring it up to 11 miles,
Thats some running BPT.. looks a beautiful course down one side of the river and back the other

I was out on the rothar at a similar time I'd say.. 1 or 2 degrees and low sun out over the sea, absolutely stunning. Needed 20 minutes in the shower and a hot water bottle to be able to feel my feet or fingers again though.. some cold weather shoe covers and long bib required next!
Shoe covers are essential for long winter spins - ideally the fleecy ones. It's brutal training on the bike in this weather - the water in your bottle freezes solid and even two pairs of socks and a layer of tinfoil on the feet under the shoe covers still doesn't keep them warm
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