Training Run Times

I'm still gunning for a 21k Marathon, T. Did 18k last weekend. Longest run since the end of June Half. Thing is I did a short run on Tuesday and it was shit. Stopped at 6k instead of 8. Here's hoping I'm on a good day Sunday!! Will have to get the knees sorted soon though.
What's the fastest Eagle lad going for? Anyone targeting sub 2.30? Hopefully they'll be in the club tops so I'll be able to pick em out.
There'll be a few lads heading for mid 2:30s. A lot depends on how much messing around they do in the days beforehand. This is the end-of-season jaunt after all...
I'm still gunning for a 21k Marathon, T. Did 18k last weekend. Longest run since the end of June Half. Thing is I did a short run on Tuesday and it was shit. Stopped at 6k instead of 8. Here's hoping I'm on a good day Sunday!! Will have to get the knees sorted soon though.
What's the fastest Eagle lad going for? Anyone targeting sub 2.30? Hopefully they'll be in the club tops so I'll be able to pick em out.
Take 'er steady C., go out slower than planned and ease into it
So, I won't spoil Smurf's report, I'll just say I did what I said I would. Ran the half, was thinking of 5min pace as that's faster than the training I've been doing but ended up with about 4.52. Can't complain tbh. I was feeling ok and then with about 2k to the half I wasn't. So the hope of doing another bit to get me near the start/finish was ditched and I stepped off the course about 1 metre after the Halfway mat. Legs immediately felt awful, like I'd done a full. Knees and left hip were weirdly ok but there were other issues. Anyway, it is what it is as Plato said to Sophocles. Don't think I'll return to 42.2 anytime soon, tbh. Glad I didn't sell the bib though, I was part of the event and everything that comes with a big city marathon.
Good man C. - don’t make any big pronouncements just after the finish - there may be better days yet. 4:52 pace - what was that? Around 1:43? Still a decent time. Hopefully you can meet the boys and have a few steady ones - our beers in Rotterdam and Cork after those days out were definitely special!
So, I won't spoil Smurf's report, I'll just say I did what I said I would. Ran the half, was thinking of 5min pace as that's faster than the training I've been doing but ended up with about 4.52. Can't complain tbh. I was feeling ok and then with about 2k to the half I wasn't. So the hope of doing another bit to get me near the start/finish was ditched and I stepped off the course about 1 metre after the Halfway mat. Legs immediately felt awful, like I'd done a full. Knees and left hip were weirdly ok but there were other issues. Anyway, it is what it is as Plato said to Sophocles. Don't think I'll return to 42.2 anytime soon, tbh. Glad I didn't sell the bib though, I was part of the event and everything that comes with a big city marathon.
I was actually thinking of you while I was out myself earlier - wasn’t sure if it was today was the race or not. Well done on finishing it, I know you’ve run loads of full marathons in great times but you’re coming back from injury and it’s not easy.

I’d have killed for that finish time and pace.. I know it’s not comparable but still!
Did couple 4 milers fri night and this morning, pace 8.35 per mile, all about building miles in december/ jan now
Good man Jimmy, 25km with some decent climbing on the bike for me today, and 7km run @ 4.55 pace after. Would have happily run on to 10km but I was out of time. Hadn’t been on the bike since October, beautiful day for it
Really Good Time
Winthrop Avenue (@ Old Oak), Oliver Plunkett St.

16th Nov 2024 @ 10:00 pm
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