Training Run Times

Any update Jimmy?
Hi, went for 2nd opinion yesterday, This fella was more hands on in the area where i feel most pain whereas the first fella only touched
around the spine, yes i know there nay be sound reasons for that, But i felt more confident yesterday, He said in his opinion it is muscle rather than nerve so did a bit of needling, Told me to keep stretching and come back next friday, Part of me says i should just write off the marathon, and another part says
just give it time and see where i am in a few weeks,
Hi, went for 2nd opinion yesterday, This fella was more hands on in the area where i feel most pain whereas the first fella only touched
around the spine, yes i know there nay be sound reasons for that, But i felt more confident yesterday, He said in his opinion it is muscle rather than nerve so did a bit of needling, Told me to keep stretching and come back next friday, Part of me says i should just write off the marathon, and another part says
just give it time and see where i am in a few weeks,
You’re better off giving it a week anyway to see if there’s improvement. Wouldn’t write it off yet!
Lightening has struck twice, Had pain recently mainly left buttock and top of thigh, did 4 miles today, painful and after my shower my left leg from buttock down locked up, using a crutch now,
Had physio monday and back again tomorrow, Dr google suggests piriformas syndrome, time will tell but june looks a no no. Had done a couple of 16 milers.

That does sound like a nerve to me. Heat & movement is important to sort but unfortunately there’s no quick fix with it
I discovered a handy feature on the Garmin web page just there.

Like a langer, I never stopped the watch after finishing a spin last Wednesday. Stretched, into the car and had driven halfway around the ring road before the watch buzzed to notify me that I'd just set a new PB for the mile at 1:10 :p
Normally that would have meant that you had to delete the activity from your file - thereby deleting the record of your genuine run as well. However, if you click on the config icon on the top right (the cog wheel), you get a drop-down that allows you to "Trim Activity". Select that and you can cut a slice off the beginning or end of the workout - you just slide the marker back to where you properly finished and hit "Save".

Maybe ye all know that already but it's a handy one.

Off to a different Physio today and he said I’ve a variation of this

If I want to go beyond running for 26 minutes ever again, it’ll need fairly straight forward surgery. Allegedly …

As a bonus I also have golfers elbow, from rowing. Had a burn off his sonic ray thing for that. In the meantime, I’m back on the bike for the last few weeks which is grand.

To be fair, it took me nearly half an hour to go through everything that’s wrong with me. That I know of. He was a very patient man. 😀
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