Training Run Times

Well done AloneY - do you do much running?

I've been tipping at the running since lockdowns but I packed up ball this year so taking it more seriously the last few months.

I've done 2 adventure races this year and 2 HM, prior to this year the only race experience I had was a 12km
I'm currently doing one track session a week and one longish run at the weekends.

Unsure what my plan for 2023 is yet as I've an appetite for variety. Interested in doing some trail runs, more adventure races and flirting with the idea of running the Cork marathon.

A mate of mine is doing the Ballyhoura night race on Jan.6th which is a bit tempting so I'm giving that some thought.
I've been tipping at the running since lockdowns but I packed up ball this year so taking it more seriously the last few months.

I've done 2 adventure races this year and 2 HM, prior to this year the only race experience I had was a 12km
I'm currently doing one track session a week and one longish run at the weekends.

Unsure what my plan for 2023 is yet as I've an appetite for variety. Interested in doing some trail runs, more adventure races and flirting with the idea of running the Cork marathon.

A mate of mine is doing the Ballyhoura night race on Jan.6th which is a bit tempting so I'm giving that some thought.
Great stuff, welcome to the gang, Some great advice here, Im going to give the cork marathon another lash,
Going to join a gym this week and focus on s&c
Hey lads, this one from DumbRunner made me laugh. His stuff pops up on my social media from time to time. A local runner’s marathon training plan is causing confusion and dismay among the younger members of his running club, Dumb Runner has learned. Anton Chigurh, 71, is preparing for the Bardem (Texas) Marathon, sources said, and “his training plan is, like, just a bunch of running.” “I don’t get it,” said Llewelyn Moss, 28, who occasionally runs with Chigurh as part of the Brolin Running Company Race Team. He said he glimpsed Chigurh’s training plan before a recent group run. “He had it printed out,” Moss said. The 20-week plan, said Moss, was breathtaking in its simplicity—six days of running every week, plus one rest day. Each week has one long run, one track or tempo workout, and, usually, one hill workout. Weekly mileage begins around 28 miles and peaks at 84, followed by a two-week taper before race day. “And that’s it,” said Moss. “No cross training, no strength training, no yoga or Pilates or burpees or planking. Just… running.” “No core work, either,” he added. “No core work! I was, like, Dude! What about your core?” A fellow member of the run club, Carla Jean, 23, overheard Moss’s remark and reacted in disbelief. “What!” she said. “You’ve gotta have a strong core!” In addition, Moss said, he’s never known Chigurh to stretch, foam roll, take an ice bath, or use compression gear. “The guy doesn’t even have a fueling strategy,” he noted. “It’s bonkers.” Chigurh, who’s been running for nearly four decades, is a veteran of 27 marathons with a personal best time of 2:38. “I wish him luck,” Moss said, shaking his head. “He’s gonna need it.”
I am not sure to be honest C. There may be a few i believe, all of whom have had a great year of running and would have run marathons only 5/6 weeks ago. The form is good so they are having another crack. 1 from Eagle who broke 2:40 in Dublin. A lad from the St Finbarrs who has run 2:30 recently and 1 from Leevale who would be close to 2:30 as well.
Hey lads, you are fucking going to love this story. So, over on Boards there's a thread about an incoming Athletics ban for Kenya. A poster there says he has 'first hand' info that a general ban is on its way and that Kipchoge is also going to be banned. A couple of people called him on it and he revealed that Coach Stazza, who has a camp there, and who I believe coaches our own Aoife Cooke, told him this as he has close ties to many people in Iten. So far, so good. The poster also claimed that Kipchoge was in his mid 40s. Again, someone asked him if he had evidence for that. That's where it gets funny. I posted a pisstake saying that Stazza, Seb Coe (!!!!) and Kipchoge's Mam were out boozing and so on and so forth. Complete laugh, right. Ye can read it for yourselves, or I might copy and paste it. Anyway, a few minutes ago I get a Strava notification saying, Hey Big Guy, if you have a pair of balls call this number. Need to talk. And an Irish mobile. Fuck it, says I what have I got to lose. I call your man, and he says, Hey, take that post down now, I have your address (should I be worried?!?) and a couple of insults/threats. I fucking laughed at him and told him he was a funny bloke, and good night. Now the cunt has my phone number though!!!!! You couldn't make this shit up. I feel like someone from the telly or something.
AloneY... Lovely bit of banter there from Terrier. As for me, I'm in taper mode. 'Cept there isn't too much to taper from. Training for Valencia '22 was always going to be about getting the distance up and avoiding injury. Speed, God Help Us, will have to wait. Well, I have more or less avoided injury (that 5km at a slightly faster pace last Friday, and on a track to boot, wasn't really my brightest idea) and I have got in a few 30k runs and a shnakey 33.4k effort. Very hard to know what to expect in those last 10k. As the training has been low key and low mileage, the Sunday longies have been much closer to M pace. But as I say, I have been doing those without any accumulation previous. I'll head out at 5 mins/km and see how that goes. I'll have the magic shoes of course, crowds, water and drinks I'm hopeful that it'll all feel good (until it doesn't!). I'm looking forward to it, not going to lie.
Great stuff.....some achievement just to get to the start line after all of the time out with the injury! Seems a lot of the YouTube runners (Ben Parkes, Welsh Runner, Ben is Running) are doing it too
Yeah, I was about 2/3s the way back at the start line so we couldn't hear a thing from the PA, I saw somebody say somewhere else that all the speakers were pointed towards to the road, that and the wind we had little hope of hearing.

Great numbers and I feel getting through days like that (weather wise) just adds to the buzz of it.
Well done Jimmy and YNWA! I heard a lot of people complaining about that last stretch around the field. Not the best surface for the supershoes!
Sabrina Dinan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

2nd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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