The train to Youghal/Waterford

Just a quick point on this. I had drop and collect a daughter working in Millipore for a few weeks. Reason she cant use public transport is that it is lethal to try to get to Carrigtwohill from this side. There are no footpaths at all and it really is dangerous to walk across the roundabout at Tullagreine. So all the industries here have to use cars.
We also seem to be incapable of designing simple pedestrian steel bridges ( like those at every rail station) and end up with a major overdesigned construction project.
Just a quick point on this. I had drop and collect a daughter working in Millipore for a few weeks. Reason she cant use public transport is that it is lethal to try to get to Carrigtwohill from this side. There are no footpaths at all and it really is dangerous to walk across the roundabout at Tullagreine. So all the industries here have to use cars.
We also seem to be incapable of designing simple pedestrian steel bridges ( like those at every rail station) and end up with a major overdesigned construction project.

Was speaking to a guy the other day who is an avid cyclist and he has occasion to travel to east Cork a few times a week. He says the new road network by the tunnel will have a cycle lane and all for cyclists travelling to or from East Cork, but he says while all that new infrastructure will be great, you'd be taking your life in your hands trying to get to it.
"If the stations were in the right places"

The stations are where they are and there's hardly much flex there given they have to be on the actual rail line

The issue is focusing new housing and mixed uses at higher densities around the stations and not up in north Glanmire or down in Ballinacurra.
The old ECI building in Tivoli always struck me as being ideal for a train station. Lots of car parking, on the railway line and in a good location. It’s now occupied by HSS Hire.
The old ECI building in Tivoli always struck me as being ideal for a train station. Lots of car parking, on the railway line and in a good location. It’s now occupied by HSS Hire.
New train station at Tivoli planned to come in once the redevelopment of the tivoli docks get going, which is probably 10 years off. Station would need to be further east along so it's more central to the site.
Just a quick point on this. I had drop and collect a daughter working in Millipore for a few weeks. Reason she cant use public transport is that it is lethal to try to get to Carrigtwohill from this side. There are no footpaths at all and it really is dangerous to walk across the roundabout at Tullagreine. So all the industries here have to use cars.
We also seem to be incapable of designing simple pedestrian steel bridges ( like those at every rail station) and end up with a major overdesigned construction project.
Carrigtwohill station needs the land between it and the town to be developed before it's properly utilised, with the road and ped/cycle links that will give. Given the distance to the industrial areas a shuttle bus would be needed really to encourage anyone to not get there by car.
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

8th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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