The official Premier League 22/23 thread

Certainly not worse than those two and plenty other incidents that we could highlight (incl. reckless career-ending tackles). That said, in comparison, this ban looks leniant compared to the 4 month ban Sturridge got for passing info on which club he was going to sign for.

But I think they go in hard on these betting cases in order to influence others to not even consider for a moment whether they should bet or share info that might be used by others to bet. The scale of money involved in football (on the betting side & also on the financial impact of relegation/promotion) is such that it could easily get out of control if the bans were seen as being leniant or "worth the risk". We've seen plenty of match-fixing allegations in smaller leagues (including the LoI). Imagine the amount of dough you could get down on a highly liquid PL game if you just had quality inside info (e.g. on team selection, injuries etc.).

It will be interesting to see the specific of Toney's case. I'm assuming, as Cloudy has, that the volume of bets & long period of active betting was a factor. I'm guessing that he didn't bet on anything that he had a vaguely direct connection to, or I bet the ban would've been even longer.

Having a quick pit stop on a 5+hrs trip to the coast. Would love to get stuck jnto this report and see just what's in there.

If anyone gets there ahead of me then ping the highlights here

A radio report a few mins ago said he bet on himself to score and bet against his own side...also that he's seeking help for gambling addiction.

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