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The Official Lenient Sentence Thread

Judge: ‘Twas only bantz

Paddy Phillips.
Size of the fucker. Looks like he could some damage

Jesus.. this one defies all logic

The scumbag was caught on camera assaulting the victim, so there is no denying it one way or the other. He enters a guilty plea saving the state a certain conviction anyway. Regardless, we are down to sentencing now and the judge who has a head line sentence of 5 years and now needs to consider mitigation to see what there is that would convince you that they guy might deserve a lesser sentence or a chance.. so the judge looks at:

- previous record = 16 priors, including road traffic offences, public disorder, possession of drugs for sale or supply, and possession of drugs.
- The pre-sentencing probation report which said that the probation service could not work with him
- His letter of apology, which was backed up by him sniggering throughout the session

And somehow out of all of that he concludes that the right course of action is to knock 40% off the sentence, and then suspend it all in full.. confirming that the scumbag should absolutely drive on doing whatever the fock he likes, whilst the victim is handed 2 grand and is still waiting on the HSE to have the surgery his injuries require.

Hopefully the DPP are not accepting this nonsense
The Pavillion, 13 Careys Lane, Cork City

17th Mar 2025 @ 5:30 pm
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Intermission Bar, Tomorrow @ 11pm

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