The Official Irish Rugby Thread

Is this some sort of surprise to people? Everything in this country is centred on Dublin. The decision makers in all walks of life are based in Dublin, and Dublin's priorities are always put first and centre. Irish rugby is just reflecting how most other sporting bodies, and indeed the Irish state itself, is coming at this.

It's Munsters and Connacht's fault that the political and economic system of the county is focused on pumping the majority of FDI and new employment into Dublin. It's also their fault that they don't have the average disposable incomes to justify reams of private schools which act as mini academys with their own full time coaching teams.

Sarcasm aside, there's a fairly straightforward way of organising the central contracts, and that's that they have to be equalised across the provinces. Maybe not completely equal, but certainly a cap on the proportion of centrally contracted players that can be based in any one province. For example if there's 15 CCs, then no more than 6 should be from one province. If you get a case like Leinster where they have more players that merit it, then either players are asked to move elsewhere in reward for a central contract, or if not, then Leinster must be willing to stump up the cost themselves.
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Maybe not completely equal, but certainly a cap on the proportion of centrally contracted players that can be based in any one province. For example if there's 15 CCs, then no more than 6 should be from one province. If you get a case like Leinster where they have more players that merit it, then either players are asked to move elsewhere in reward for a central contract, or if not, then Leinster must be willing to stump up the cost themselves.
Good idea and surely that will bring up the level of the other three provinces.
I think Jackman said that Leinster wage bill including CCs was 2 million over the French salary cap
Good idea and surely that will bring up the level of the other three provinces.
I think Jackman said that Leinster wage bill including CCs was 2 million over the French salary cap
Exactly. They'll say that's because the Irish players are away so often and they need cover, but when it comes to the business end of things when the the turkey is chewed, their first 15 includes 10 players who's wages are being directly covered by the IRFU.
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