The Official Golf Thread

might not be too many of us out there but any chat in general from people,

Courses you've played?
Tiger's attempt at 4 Majors etc
Let it all off your chest
Have many people here played Waterock Golf course, just wondering what ye think. I used to like it until they became a money grabbers club.
Have many people here played Waterock Golf course, just wondering what ye think. I used to like it until they became a money grabbers club.

Water Rock is my fav course. Had my best round down there a few weeks ago. 41pts playing off 16. €27 earlybird isn't too steep. It's great value to play a great course.
I also love playing at H/point.
Have many people here played Waterock Golf course, just wondering what ye think. I used to like it until they became a money grabbers club.

How have they become a money grabbers club? I play out of Macroom and have never played @ Water rock
Have many people here played Waterock Golf course, just wondering what ye think. I used to like it until they became a money grabbers club.

I like Waterrock to be honest, its a nice course and well maintained, its not often that a public/green fees only course will be in such good condition. Price has gone up a little in last few years but is still quite reasonable.

Was looking at the overall players world rankings recently, its incredible to see how far Tiger is ahead of the rest.
The Gap between him and Mickleson in 2nd is the same as the gap between Mickleson and the Guy in 1000th place. Thats is phenomenal !!!!!!!

Anyway nice to have a golf thread here at last.

Perry Wild & Ivy Favier

The Roundy, Tomorrow @ 7:30pm

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