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The Ceann comhairle said todays carry on was a disgrace, they will all be sharing videos on social media,
The screaming-from both sides-was absolutely disgraceful. Healy Rae starting screaming mad after his speech as he was disgusted at the shouting and screaming coming from the government benches...sums it all up. Barry Cowen using giving children sweets as an analogy was disgusting. That family are a bunch of drunken oiks with noses firmly in the trough.

From what I have seen over the past few weeks with useless pencil pushers in the councils I wouldn't blame anyone for telling porkies on planning applications. These paid from the neck down public servants dealing with applications shouldn't be next or near the job.

It's not the FF elected representative's fault that he deliberately lied on an official document - the fault lies with "useless pencil pushers in the councils" :rolleyes:

It's not the FF elected representative's fault that he deliberately lied on an official document - the fault lies with "useless pencil pushers in the councils" :rolleyes:

As I said, I wouldn’t blame anyone for lying on planning applications when you have do deal with the dumbest public servants in Europe. Was that not clear, I don’t care whether it was a politician or pope. The sooner these inadequate pencil pushers are reigned in, the better for all concerned.
Speaking of Penny Dinners I was amazed to see a huge queue formed outside of it the other day when I passed it about 12:30.

I'd say there were between thirty and forty people queuing and chatting three or four deep. They were mainly in their 20s, and the vast majority of those in the queue generally looked quite well dressed. This looked at least at first glance, didn't want to be staring at people who are down on their luck, very different to the clientelle that used to generally have to avail of that very old Cork charity going back to the 1880s and before.

Seems to be a reflection of modern life in Ireland. 😞

Was driving through Little Hanover Street again today and again there was a queue down the street at about 12:45. Those queuing for a meal at that stage were almost exclusively aged in what I'd estimate at early 20s, all quite smartly dressed and generally looked like, but might well not have been, predominantly foreign students.

I get that rents in Cork are astronomical and the vast majority of those queuing there today didn't look like they were still living at home cheaply with mammy, and they could very well be down to their very last euros paying rent, but they certainly didn't look like the typical clients that have frequented CPD over the last 30 odd years when I'd occasionally pass by. And neither were there such relatively huge queues outside CPD - previously 5 or 6 people rather disheveled people gathered outside was as much as you'd see.

If they genuinely need that free food then the very best of luck to them and I hope what CPD gives them helps enormously, but I hope there aren't some among them who could well afford to pay for a meal taking advantage of a free meal and putting such a charity at risk due to not being able to feed such huge numbers.
Was driving through Little Hanover Street again today and again there was a queue down the street at about 12:45. Those queuing for a meal at that stage were almost exclusively aged in what I'd estimate at early 20s, all quite smartly dressed and generally looked like, but might well not have been, predominantly foreign students.

I get that rents in Cork are astronomical and the vast majority of those queuing there today didn't look like they were still living at home cheaply with mammy, and they could very well be down to their very last euros paying rent, but they certainly didn't look like the typical clients that have frequented CPD over the last 30 odd years when I'd occasionally pass by. And neither were there such relatively huge queues outside CPD - previously 5 or 6 people rather disheveled people gathered outside was as much as you'd see.

If they genuinely need that free food then the very best of luck to them and I hope what CPD gives them helps enormously, but I hope there aren't some among them who could well afford to pay for a meal taking advantage of a free meal and putting such a charity at risk due to not being able to feed such huge numbers.
Jesus. I don't think anyone in that queue is there to fleece the system. Queuing for free food from a charity is a last resort. God bless Caitríona Twomey.
Only time you see people taking advantage are scumbag politicians getting their pictures taken outside the building...a building only necessary thanks to their fcuking policies.
Was driving through Little Hanover Street again today and again there was a queue down the street at about 12:45. Those queuing for a meal at that stage were almost exclusively aged in what I'd estimate at early 20s, all quite smartly dressed and generally looked like, but might well not have been, predominantly foreign students.

I get that rents in Cork are astronomical and the vast majority of those queuing there today didn't look like they were still living at home cheaply with mammy, and they could very well be down to their very last euros paying rent, but they certainly didn't look like the typical clients that have frequented CPD over the last 30 odd years when I'd occasionally pass by. And neither were there such relatively huge queues outside CPD - previously 5 or 6 people rather disheveled people gathered outside was as much as you'd see.

If they genuinely need that free food then the very best of luck to them and I hope what CPD gives them helps enormously, but I hope there aren't some among them who could well afford to pay for a meal taking advantage of a free meal and putting such a charity at risk due to not being able to feed such huge numbers.
Only liberal naive liberal thickos will suggest that not one person in that queue were not taking advantage.
There is always a certain percentage who take advantage of such handouts.
Only liberal naive liberal thickos will suggest that not one person in that queue were not taking advantage.
There is always a certain percentage who take advantage of such handouts.

But the point being that years ago those queuing there seemed to be people who looked more down on their luck than those queuing there these days - certainly of the people I've seen there
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15th Aug 2024 @ 8:30 pm
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