The Action Plan for Housing.

Saw that.

Housing "Crisis" indeed.

Sinn Féin organising meeting on *Tues April 19th, 7.30pm* in Ballyfermot Resource Centre to update residents on the plans to build 927 apartments on the De La Salle school site. Wiill also outline how to submitt an objection or to the current planning process @aosnodaigh

What do we want - Houses.......................

When do we want them - now......................

Where do we want them - somewhere else...............

S.F. are deliberately objecting to housing to slow down delivery for their own political gain.

This really needs an all party C-19 type of response as politicians are currently making a total hames of it and just prolonging the agony for those on the waiting list.

Any politician whipping up objections to new homes should hang their heads in shame.
Saw that.

Housing "Crisis" indeed.

Sinn Féin organising meeting on *Tues April 19th, 7.30pm* in Ballyfermot Resource Centre to update residents on the plans to build 927 apartments on the De La Salle school site. Wiill also outline how to submitt an objection or to the current planning process @aosnodaigh

What do we want - Houses.......................

When do we want them - now......................

Where do we want them - somewhere else...............

S.F. are deliberately objecting to housing to slow down delivery for their own political gain.
Ah well would you look at that.

SF/IRA underhand tactics in action once again.
Rather than a SF/IRA councillor now objecting to a development they will instead get their brain washed pawns to do it.
Obviously poor people who are easily led, their target demographic.

I suppose they will be doing like wise all over the country and then they cannot be criticised for objecting to housing developments.

The cult continues

ABP as it stands needs to be suspended and a new board constituted.

All planning decisions reviewed going back at least 5 years.

Full tribunal of inquiry.
Will Ireland ever change? sadly i think not, Paddy loves a stroke,
Why are there so many empty/derelict houses?

Civil servants cannot be arsed enforcing their protection/enforcement or collecting derelict site levies and developers can make piles of money in suburbia buying land and building new houses where people are car dependent for a few years until our semi-state monopoly transport system bothers to put in buses.

Irish Water take years to provide actual water and sewage services.

Mick Barry out today complaining about the proposal to have private operators having bus routes in bus connects for Cork as in his words competition "Drives down wages"

Never mind driving down actual fares and having a clean reliable alternative that is common in more Socialist countries across Europe.

If you have a total monopoly you just do not even have to make an effort................Yes, you Bus Eireann

Mick Barry would be arguing against Ryanair if they were threatening Aer Lingus's monopoly years ago.

We are totally screwed on housing and transport from all parties now.
The entire planning process is now called into question.

How many decisions have been made to benefit those connected to the planning board.

On the ditch obviously have a source on the inside who has enough of it.

They are a complete bunch of crooks.
Billy Gillies
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

4th Oct 2024 @ 11:00 pm
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