Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Rules are different in the North than down here. But anything to have go at them I suppose.

The Nationalist Republican 32 County party are now just “operate on a 6 and 26 county basis” says Mary Lou McDonald when it comes to cash.

Sinn Féin's Mary Lou McDonald told the Standards in Public Office Commission that the donation "was not offered to, or accepted by, the Sinn Féin party in the 26-county jurisdiction."

She cannot even refer to the official name of the State (Ireland).

Partitionists for cash Party.
The Nationalist Republican 32 County party are now just “operate on a 6 and 26 county basis” says Mary Lou McDonald when it comes to cash.

Sinn Féin's Mary Lou McDonald told the Standards in Public Office Commission that the donation "was not offered to, or accepted by, the Sinn Féin party in the 26-county jurisdiction."

She cannot even refer to the official name of the State (Ireland).

Partitionists for cash Party.

M.L Mac has a pedigree before and after her....rhetoric and fuck all else....when you are the momma, holding a Nations purse strings...then ..only then, will she get my time of my day...
The Nationalist Republican 32 County party are now just “operate on a 6 and 26 county basis” says Mary Lou McDonald when it comes to cash.

Sinn Féin's Mary Lou McDonald told the Standards in Public Office Commission that the donation "was not offered to, or accepted by, the Sinn Féin party in the 26-county jurisdiction."

She cannot even refer to the official name of the State (Ireland).

Partitionists for cash Party.

Of all the things to go after them on - this makes no sense.
This blinkered uncritical approach by die hard supporter's is telling.

Nothing to see here.

I am not a die hard supporter and anyone checking my posts will see I am as critical of them as not. However, this notion that anything they do should be highlighted and attacked simply BECAUSE it is them is silly.

Attack the policies, attack their past even (albeit the vast majority of them weren't even 10 during the troubles) but this stuff is silly. It's like calling out the differences between SF down here and SF up there when clearly SF are not in control of the block grant and are not in government on their own.

As I understand it and am happy to be corrected, it’s illegal for any political donation, of any size, to be given to a party in this state from outside the state. So nothing can go to the SF organisation down here. So the Will can never be complied with regarding SF down here. Therefore it has to go to SF in the North. Those are the rules.

Last point, where I would agree with you is that they leave themselves wide open to being the deflection tactic because they are incomprehensibly bad at politics in the south.
I am not a die hard supporter and anyone checking my posts will see I am as critical of them as not. However, this notion that anything they do should be highlighted and attacked simply BECAUSE it is them is silly.

Attack the policies, attack their past even (albeit the vast majority of them weren't even 10 during the troubles) but this stuff is silly. It's like calling out the differences between SF down here and SF up there when clearly SF are not in control of the block grant and are not in government on their own.

As I understand it and am happy to be corrected, it’s illegal for any political donation, of any size, to be given to a party in this state from outside the state. So nothing can go to the SF organisation down here. So the Will can never be complied with regarding SF down here. Therefore it has to go to SF in the North. Those are the rules.

Sensible and all as your post is...and it is.... the idealistic notions at some stage, (we all have them)when they become a chewing cancer....seeing that stupid cunt turn up at a “Uniformed “ bunch of fat, ugly cunts 'Brigade' in silly costumes sent S.F. at an unjustified and unquestioned attendent lunacy, when a nation facing a genuine crisis...the fucking idiots... back, not just days but fucken decades and centuries, like we/they/us have not learned a fucking all....

....spare me any fucking mitigation, it was a fucken huge mistake, horror to witness, that makes me want to look at it through my fingers and think ...this is the fucken Party I want to vote for? A Party of fucking loonies who prefer gunfire to ballots?...Eh....

Don't embarrass yourself and say I don't matter...that's not true...we matter, who want peace, Justice and some dignity scare and all as it is....take her by the collar and turf her out the door and her kind....then..and only then, will I be along with millions others be convinced...we are ready to try and govern.

Those laddie is/are the fucken rules, you talk loose at....
The Nationalist Republican 32 County party are now just “operate on a 6 and 26 county basis” says Mary Lou McDonald when it comes to cash.

Sinn Féin's Mary Lou McDonald told the Standards in Public Office Commission that the donation "was not offered to, or accepted by, the Sinn Féin party in the 26-county jurisdiction."

She cannot even refer to the official name of the State (Ireland).

Partitionists for cash Party.

Are FF the Nationalist Republican 26 County party then? :lol:
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