Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Its foolish to be equating religion with identity. Religious make up, or lack of, does not always equate with political ideology

The census figures those who identify as British only: 31.9% Irish only: 29.1% Northern Irish only: 19.8%

We are a long, long way from a border poll or a United Ireland

Been posting for a long time that direction of travel of demographics was undeniable.

Rather than spin it. Look at the numbers.

A BP is inevitable if this is the scale of change in the last 10 years. I understand you don't want it and I understand that you'll decry any support for it - but it is inevitable.
Been posting for a long time that direction of travel of demographics was undeniable.

Rather than spin it. Look at the numbers.

A BP is inevitable if this is the scale of change in the last 10 years. I understand you don't want it and I understand that you'll decry any support for it - but it is inevitable.


Its foolish to be equating religion with identity. Religious make up, or lack of, does not always equate with political ideology

The census figures those who identify as British only: 31.9% Irish only: 29.1% Northern Irish only: 19.8%

We are a long, long way from a border poll or a United Ireland

The last thing we need now is a sectarian head count as these numbers do not confirm political preference never mind how they would vote in any actual border poll.

Any border poll called in the next 5 years is just guaranteed to fail as S.F. keep telling us how rubbish the Republic of Ireland is on a daily basis.
Been posting for a long time that direction of travel of demographics was undeniable.

Rather than spin it. Look at the numbers.

A BP is inevitable if this is the scale of change in the last 10 years. I understand you don't want it and I understand that you'll decry any support for it - but it is inevitable.
There is a strong possibility of a fresh election mid december, Sec of state says he will not duck the issue, Read a comment during the
week saying SF show of sympathy and support for the royal family was with an eye on trying to tempt voters away from Alliance party,
There is a strong possibility of a fresh election mid december, Sec of state says he will not duck the issue, Read a comment during the
week saying SF show of sympathy and support for the royal family was with an eye on trying to tempt voters away from Alliance party,
You keep getting told you should stay off Facebook jimmy. Nothing good will come of you "friending" that lot
As I said I understand that's not your position.

The last thing we need now is a sectarian head count as these numbers do not confirm political preference never mind how they would vote in any actual border poll.

Any border poll called in the next 5 years is just guaranteed to fail as S.F. keep telling us how rubbish the Republic of Ireland is on a daily basis.
If it is done right it can pass in next 10 years with ease. I am increasingly of the opinion that an SoS might call one sooner knowing like Indyref1 it might fail closely with a view to kicking it down the road another 7 or 14 years.

Also I think there is a broader conversation needed down here about unity, not because i think we won't support it but rather that the preconceptions about everything to do with the North/NI need to be come to terms with as articulated by McAliskey, Brolly and others recently.
As I said I understand that's not your position.

If it is done right it can pass in next 10 years with ease. I am increasingly of the opinion that an SoS might call one sooner knowing like Indyref1 it might fail closely with a view to kicking it down the road another 7 or 14 years.

Also I think there is a broader conversation needed down here about unity, not because i think we won't support it but rather that the preconceptions about everything to do with the North/NI need to be come to terms with as articulated by McAliskey, Brolly and others recently.
It does seem to show that a U.I. is still a long distance away as 50% do not regard themselves as British and 50% do not regard themselves as Irish.

The more significant census result is identity: British only, 31.86%, Irish only 29.13%, Northern Irish only, 19.78%.

Another huge jump was the ethnic minorities and immigrants who you have to assume would be attracted to Europe than an isolationist Britain.

The Paisleyite old D.U.P. bigots also dying off.

An 8% drop of those in Northern Ireland with a British-only identity (32%) and a 4% rise in Irish-only (29%) is catastrophic for Unionism.
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