Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Mairead Farrell was on upfront with Katie Hannon last night, She said the people of Ireland stand with the people of Gaza,
She is getting stick on Twitter, My reading of it is the people here are horrified by what is happening, As we were when Hamas committed the atrocity
Oct 7th, Yes some support Hamas but they are in a small minority,

It's a good thing we've no domestic problems, so the main opposition party can spend all their time going on about international events that don't impact us
It's a good thing we've no domestic problems, so the main opposition party can spend all their time going on about international events that don't impact us

Listening to something recently where similar was mentioned. Doing loads and being noisy about issues elsewhere that we haven't a hope of solving, rather than focus on the ones closer to home that could be solved but might cause a little upset to solve them. That's not just SF by the way, that's all of them.
Bono being a case in point, constantly banging on about World Hunger and homelessness yet we have 15,000 of the same here he never seems to mention.
Listening to the radio last night on the way home, so was all pretty one sided and the Shinners must be eradicated. The Shinners weren't available. Didn't seem to cast a single though to the idea that their very reason for being was to make life hard for the Government ?
It's seemingly all to do with speaking rights where the Independents quite literally want to speak out of both sides of their mouths. SF weren't happy about this and let it be known. FFG obviously just tried to railroad it through.
Anyone from SF on the airwaves yet ?
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
Blarney Castle Hotel, The Square, Blarney

18th Feb 2025 @ 9:30 pm
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