Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Yet another shelling of civilian target by Russians, surely those were Ukrainians shooting at themselves ;)

Here is the location:!1sJmJRjDJTq27GbVNYetZIcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Here is the result, around 30 dead:

I can post some videos to avoid being told it is photoshopped.

Meanwhile, Russian were trying to shell the Snake Island, but none of the projectiles hit the target, you remember what the Russian rats were saying, right? Lol

Believing in anything orcs are saying is the sign of being total idiot or naive idiot ;)

After the first round of talks, the grain will go with ships from Odesa and other two ports. It will be escorted by Turkish navy which will also inspect the ships coming in. Russians wanted to carry the inspections, well that would be another excuse for them sabotaging it. Hard luck you rats.

Good luck in bombing ports at the border with NATO country ;) we will hear a lot of howling from the orcs soon.

Russia deployed a surveillance plain over Belarus. Some fun facts: it is the largest turbo plane in the world (cargo capacity), the engines are from 1953 (but actually stolen in 1945 Germany), it can fly for up to 5 hours only. Soviet dream technika.
Sanctions are not working episode 2137:

The main field Sakhalin1 has reduced the production from the regular 220,000 a day to 10,000.

It must be fake 🤣

Watching a programme last night about the TR-3B that the Americans deny the existence of. If they actually have it they should go in and obliterate Putin and then deny it. Play the f**k at his own game.
Watching a programme last night about the TR-3B that the Americans deny the existence of. If they actually have it they should go in and obliterate Putin and then deny it. Play the f**k at his own game.

I wonder how happy India, China and Turkey are knowing they just bought s300 systems which are useless. Turkey in a bonus for buying it was out from the list for f35 - great deal.
Corriere Della Sera is reporting that Italian prosecutors stopped a transport of American military grade drones which allegedly should go to Syria. The issue is all signs on earth and sky are saying Assad, a friend of Russia would unload it in Taurus port (controlled by Russians) and ship it to Vlad.

So the second at of the world, disgusted with useless western equipment is trying to purchase some drones. First fail with Iran, now this.

Wonder what our shatter will post about it. Probably that it was a trick from Russia and nothing to bother as their mighty army despite being in pieces is still mighty xD

And remember, Russian technika is superior to the western ;)

Edit: oh here he is trying his usual gimnanstics :) LOL I hope they pay him, honestly. I cannot believe you can make such a full of himself in public for free. Even hookers have their rates..
The drone used to attack a Russian target cannot be identified, it does not match any countries arsenal according to Where did it come from? A mystery, all we know was that it successfully hit Russian target.
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