Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Pentagon Will Increase Artillery Production Sixfold for Ukraine​

Story by John Ismay and Eric Lipton • Yesterday 5:24 PM

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is racing to boost its production of artillery shells by 500 percent within two years, pushing conventional ammunition production to levels not seen since the Korean War as it invests billions of dollars to make up for shortfalls caused by the war in Ukraine and to build up stockpiles for future conflicts.
Unguided artillery shells have become the cornerstone of the war in Ukraine, with both Ukrainian and Russian troops firing thousands of howitzer rounds a day.
Unguided artillery shells have become the cornerstone of the war in Ukraine, with both Ukrainian and Russian troops firing thousands of howitzer rounds a day.© David Guttenfelder for The New York Times

The effort, which will involve expanding factories and bringing in new producers, is part of “the most aggressive modernization effort in nearly 40 years” for the U.S. defense industrial base, according to an Army report.
The new investment in artillery production is in part a concession to reality: While the Pentagon has focused on fighting wars with small numbers of more expensive precision-guided weapons, Ukraine is largely relying on howitzers firing unguided shells.
Before Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, the U.S. Army’s production of 14,400 unguided shells a month had been sufficient for the American military’s way of war. But the need to supply Kyiv’s armed forces prompted Pentagon leaders to triple production goals in September, and then double them again in January so that they could eventually make 90,000 or more shells a month.
Unguided artillery shells have become the cornerstone of the 11-month-old conflict, with both Ukrainian and Russian troops firing thousands of howitzer rounds at each other every day, along a front line more than 600 miles long. These weapons are most likely responsible for the greatest percentage of war casualties, which U.S. officials have estimated at more than 100,000 on each side.
The Army’s decision to expand its artillery production is the clearest sign yet that the United States plans to back Ukraine no matter how long the war continues.
Apparently there are 400 Challenger 1 tanks in storage in Jordan and some more in Oman

These are superior to the T72 which are the main tanks used by Ua

Perhaps they should consider preparing these for delivery
Only 1 year ago Vladimir Putin was planning on having Russian tanks quickly in Kyiv.

1 Year on we will be having U.S. & German tanks in Kyiv.

What a winner..............
Only 1 year ago Vladimir Putin was planning on having Russian tanks quickly in Kyiv.

1 Year on we will be having U.S. & German tanks in Kyiv.

What a winner..............

Good posdcast on the Economist re tanks for Ukraine!

Kremlin is preemptively accusing Ukraine for possible assassination of #Prigozhin.

Looks like Putin wants to keep his options open to remove him.

This playbook already used by FSB during the war to prepare domestic information space before they proceed with assassination.

Watch out Priggy, as fighting with Putin and looking down on the great Russian Red army does not not end well.
You'd wonder about tanks in modern warfare though. Russian tanks took an awful battering last spring and summer from modern anti tank weapons to the point they are almost unseen in open ground since.. Surely even the Russians and their bargain basement set of weaponry will be able to field something to counter any Ua tanks albeit maybe not as effectively as Javelin etc.
Kremlin is preemptively accusing Ukraine for possible assassination of #Prigozhin.

Looks like Putin wants to keep his options open to remove him.

This playbook already used by FSB during the war to prepare domestic information space before they proceed with assassination.

Watch out Priggy, as fighting with Putin and looking down on the great Russian Red army does not not end well.
Assassination due to falling out a window hopefully
I think I remember hearing something along the lines of every tank having a huge amount of support in, around and behind it. Which is also why the orcs are losing so many tanks as we all know orcs don't do logistics.
In the end that’s what screwed Rommel in North Africa. The support required to keep tanks supplied with parts, fuel, crew, IFVs,etc is insane. Easier said than done.
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