RTE: Radio, Telefis, Empty pockets

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Reckless spending at RTE needs to end if broadcaster is to survive
Business Post 31/03/24

RTE would be bust if it weren't for the provision of emergency funding by the state. It's own board discussed in November how it was at risk of reckless trading and potentially unable to maintain existing services.

Last October, the annual customer experience survey carried out by the CX Company ranked RTE as the worst major brand in Ireland.

In the annual study, based on research from Amárach and carried out among a representative cross-section of Irish consumers, RTE finished last out of 150 well-known brands.

RTE's overall customer experience score fell by 17 per cent. The level of trust among the general public for the national broadcaster fell by 25 per cent. Cathy Summers of the CX Company said the survey's findings were a "new low for RTE. Trust is at the heart of every customer interaction and without trust there is no customer relationship. It is built up over time and should never be taken for granted".
Like one of Gary Neville’s mini vacations …

Tubridy told fans "I am taking a few days off so I just wanted to let you know to keep an eye on all things Instagram next week, towards the end of the week to be precise.

"I've got some big news coming, podcast-wise. So until then, mind yourself, have a few days off and I'll talk to you next Thursday-Friday."

The podcast will apparently be for "book lovers", a topic Tubridy has always been passionate for, as the host had previously hinted about starting a podcast on all things literature.
RTE are a national embarrassment! The licence fee should be scrapped.
It's a gravy train passengered by imposters like Duffy, ocallaghan, dungcan, the sports dept. there is an absolute joke. God knows how many are employed in it. As we speak Greg allen 🙄 is in augusta. A jolly on the taxpayer's coin. Don't get me started on ray fucking D'Arcy, what a toolbox.
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