Recycle / Re-Turn

My first negative experience was neither the SuperValu Lough nor Lidl Togher recognised Diet Coke slab cans that I got in Tesco. This is an easily fixable problem, where the soft drinks manufacturers update Return with new barcodes as they create them. Return remotely update their machines. It's not that hard and surprising it's not already done..
I thought country cleans brown bin was free of charge! Does the Kinsale Road dump take grass clippings? Is there a charge anyone know?
The Country Clean website is a bit lacking on info as to charges but what I gather is (and I stand to be corrected) that you pay a base fee that includes a weight allowance. When you go over-weight you pay/kg. My yearly bill started in the 200's, went through the 300's and my current 2024 bill is 400 euro and a few cents. I think the compost and bottle bins were free at one stage but I'm sure that all lifts are now weighed and count towards your year's total (I could be wrong, the info is scanty).

I have a large garden so during growing season my compost bin is full every 2 weeks, and really heavy. My neighbour has a small garden and uses those pop-up garden bags (6.99 from Aldi at the moment). When he has 4 filled he fits them in his Yeti and goes to the dump. I think he pays 5 euro for a car full of green waste.
My experience of the recycle machines is that the ALdi and Supervalu are fine. I once got a message that the bottle wasn't empty but it went through the 3rd time. My local Lidl machine is a disaster. It's mostly out of order and once I put a bottle in, was rejected, bottle spat out and the screen went red with a black X. It wouldn't print a receipt for the previous accepted bottles I had put in.
The Country Clean website is a bit lacking on info as to charges but what I gather is (and I stand to be corrected) that you pay a base fee that includes a weight allowance. When you go over-weight you pay/kg. My yearly bill started in the 200's, went through the 300's and my current 2024 bill is 400 euro and a few cents. I think the compost and bottle bins were free at one stage but I'm sure that all lifts are now weighed and count towards your year's total (I could be wrong, the info is scanty).

I have a large garden so during growing season my compost bin is full every 2 weeks, and really heavy. My neighbour has a small garden and uses those pop-up garden bags (6.99 from Aldi at the moment). When he has 4 filled he fits them in his Yeti and goes to the dump. I think he pays 5 euro for a car full of green waste.
great, thanks for the info. The neighbor is lucky I wont be dumping it over his wall
So I bought a 6 pack of Aldi own brand Cola for about 1.80 then i go to pay and they added on an extra 90 cent (6x15) at the till. Mentioned nothing about it on the display.
Eamonn Ryan: If you're reading this then i would like to say you're a clown.

“The figures demonstrate that the recycling scheme has been embraced by the public, the minister added.”

“Fianna Fáil TD Christopher O'Sullivan welcomed the scheme, noting that, when it was introduced, "people had been lining up to knock it".

But he revealed that when he went to use his local machine, it was out of order.

He was "over-joyed" when it worked on his second visit, saving him €2 on his shopping that day.

Can someone please explain to him he didn’t save anything?
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