Recipe help??

During the summer I was in Albert Dock in Liverpool and went for dinner in a really nice restaurant, for one of the starters they had baby button mushrooms in cheddar cheese. The cheese was SAVAGE it was runny but still identifable as cheddar cheese and not a cheese sauce.
I've looked everywhere for a recipe but all i can find is stuffed mushrooms. Im worried if I bake them that the cheese will solidify. Any suggestions?
I can't help anyway but you could write to the management at this restuarant explaining the story. You never know they may help you out.

I cant remember the name I googled

Add grated cheddar to a flour roux?

No it wasn't a was like pizza cheese only slightly runnier

Which restaurant was it? I know a couple of people who work down there

y'know if you are on the inside walk heading towards the Echo Arena it's the last restaurant on the's an L-shaped place. If you go out another door it brings to near the Beatles Museum.

I'm after trying here to see if I can recreate it...I have melted butter and garlic and threw in the mushrooms, I have grated cheese to throw on before I take them out
I know where you mean that's the bottom end, well the opposite end from the Pier head, I'll ask around, but that doesn't help you now, sorry
Throw the cheese in last and the grill it. rather than trying to cook it.

Unless you have a very good cheddar I'd use a nice mozzarella with some fresh basil instead.

Horse for courses obviously.
Ben Mac Caoilte & Mike Hanrahan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

8th Mar 2025 @ 7:00 pm
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